
You can add January’s games to your account in January, and then get them at any time as long as you still have a PS+. They aren’t as big of a dick as Nintendo to loan you a single thirty year old game for a month and then never let you touch it again without charging.

Sounds like they’re more “renting” the games to you, “A game for free for a month,” not “for free each month.”

Not for much longer, it’s supposed to be going up early this year, and further next.

I tried again this morning, and she responded with,

I tried the line a couple times, but Alexa keeps proving herself to be dumber than the puck she is, responding only with, “I can’t understand the question I heard.”

This is why I try to focus on the games that have no real updated/add-ons in store and get them out of the way, and then dump the save data online. It’s kind of a double-edge, though, since for some reason, not all of Injustice’s data was backed-up and like half the stuff I unlocked went missing. So I said “screw it,”

His right arm doubles as a shuriken holster, while his left doubles as a dildo, because he has this weird fascination with fisting Hanzo.

I’m wondering if this is hinting at the ability to interchange 2B’s OS with that of the other eight androids, giving her different combat styles.

Collars are a style, not an illness. Unless you happen to be allergic to leather/pleather/polyester...

Don’t worry about Mercy. She comes with a built-in parachute.

My resolution for 2016 was to make a resolution for 2017, but then I realized that my resolution for 2017 was to make my 2015 self make a resolution for 2016.

It’s also not street legal because the plate and registration are some of the things he stripped out of it. A lack of doors doesn’t make it illegal to take on the road, else you’d never see a jeep on the road without doors.

Of course they ignore the payload, but now they ignore it because they’re too busy trying to watch Tracer makeout with whatever girl’s on the other team.

If anything, Nappa’s eyebrows should’ve grown out into something like a cross between South Kai’s antennae and SSJ3 hair. He could even whip people with them with enough force to split a moon.

When my mom got all stainless appliances a couple years ago, she read somewhere that stainless cleaner is actually bad for it. And as for cleaning all the crud that accumulated on and in the stove, I made a paste from comet and water and it got rid of everything that every other cleaner we ever tried barely made a

When I was real little, we used to have a fold-away fireplace made of cardboard we put out every year. Then before I even noticed, it inexplicably disappeared.

The scary part is, I actually thought this through when I was around seven and came up with the same method, assuming they either went comatose, paralytic or just plain dead.

So they say, but till she starts pulling a drifblim and steals people away, she’s just a sad, red-eyed pokemon who only wants love that won’t leave her.

This just makes it kinda hilarious since my current instructor in Xenoverse 2 is Yamcha and he keeps popping into every mission for no reason, and half the time, actually survives.

Considering I don’t see five knuckles, I’m assuming it’s just at an angle where the skin between the the carpals and metacarpals meet and looking like a sixth finger not wrapping around the sword and thereby causing an otherwise uncomfortable grip on the sword.