
Reaper is straight-up 8th grade syndrome and listens to 80's pop tracks when he thinks no one is around. The mask is to hide the giant, cheap headphones from the 80's connected to his Sony-approved walkman.

Battlefield is cheating on you with a couple thousand boyfriends and girlfriends and won’t even invite you for a threesome.

I’ve stopped several horses with the stationary guns. The artillery cannon, no, because that thing’s as slow to reload as it takes for a horse to cross the map. It took a shit ton of bullets, but the only thing stopping that gun was friction and controls fucking up so I couldn’t get away from the turret when someone

Yea, if Fridge Monster was such a write-off filler, why did it make a cameo in Space Dandy?

It’s not really a “twist” in the way that there’s always someone behind the boss pulling the strings like FF4.

Lain has a longer run than Furi Kuri, though, by double.

If it wasn’t for the fact they’re based on not knowing the outcome, I’d say Another or Higurashi, especially since the gorefest listed was such utter trash to me that I couldn’t even make it past whats-her-face getting her face bit off. It’s the series that completely ruined Taiyou’s chance at having a second season

I was initially under the impression Nuka World would turn into a large-scale settlement, so I figured robots and turrets would take care of the defenses, like that one about the people being paranoid as fuck. The existing turrets don’t count for your defense and can only be scrapped, but still work in your favor.

I’m tempted every minute to just go on a murderspree and kill everyone in Nuka World, but I’m trying to hold-out till after finishing the quests. I’m just disappointed there wasn’t some non-aggressive way to clear some of the parks, and that I had to off most of the robots and defenses before I could make the

My history of work has always been the opposite. The management has always been first and no one is allowed to start before them, hence showing up early doesn’t get you any brownie points unless you do unpaid work before you’re supposed to start.

So a cross between Kabanari story and Broforce art/gameplay (although the “zombies” look more like shadows of some of the spawn from Issac).

“Ultra beasts” are gonna just turn out to be alien species from another dimension that take on altered forms to traverse the space between realities. They’ll probably have something like the mirror-verse they had in platinum.

For a while, till maybe level 20, I relied on food so much more than anything, that I took the perk to reduce radiation. I stockpiled radaway to alleviate radiation poisoning from eating irradiated mutfruit.

It still depends, because half the time, it feels like my rifles in FO4 block too much of my view, coupling with the lack of peripheral vision to reduce my vision to maybe 60%. The first-person controls are much better, though. Third-person is just so clunky, like trying to play the game with a marionette. First,

If it wasn’t for the Nuka Girl costume and the thirst quencher, I’d wear the Shroud costume, too. When I was getting hit by rads somewhere without my power armour, I put on the only gear I had with rad resistance, which was the Shroud and the Vault-Tec space suits.

That’s hardly an evil stache, it’s not nearly curly enough.

Now if only the court had thrown Lohan out the tenth story window along with the case.

Clearly she was tempting Snorlax with pancakes while dancing on his flubber.

That turmeric looked rather sickly, like baby vomit, when it went on. I can’t say it looks any better dried. Maybe it’d do better on a darker wood.