
I can’t help but feel that from the side it looks like the designer got bored at the c-pillar and said “fuck it” for everything after. Did they redesign the slope of the rear window at the last minute?

Kerosene has become the normal jet fuel and most jet turbines will be built to use it, but pretty much anything that expands when burnt could conceivably be use in a jet engine (although practical considerations rule many things out). I recall a design for a coal dust powered ramjet from the mad era of World War 2

I was always a fan of TVR’s minimal, just stick them in some holes approach.  Yes, I am aware that they were as effective as a candle, but when the car is trying to kill you anyway who needs to see where they are going?

If I recall these F18s are based at an airport that also serves commercial interests.  It’s a bit odd to be waiting for your plane, hearing a jet landing and then realising it isn’t Ryanair, but a pair of fighter jets.

Holy Mother of cows! I want to love that thing for being so crazy, but I also want to burn it so I never see it again.

What I think should end is the hating on other parts of car culture for no legitimate reason. There is no Merkin Muscle/JDM dichotomy except in the heads of those insecure enough that they need a rival. The person driving a car bought as an appliance doesn’t threaten your more-custom-than-thou machine. Nascar and F1

Future car? Obviously the flying car, something that always seems to be in the future.

It’s that thing where they make vegetables into a meat product and tell you it’s just as good but much healthier. Remember those keychains with the little thing that made a sound like a cartoon grenade being thrown? It’s one of those.

No arguments here. What did they do to that Harley? Use a straight cut gearbox?

The Ford GT90. Ford’s “hey look, we can still make supercars, but we won’t” of the mid-90's. Not sure I quite believe the stats given, but 3.1secs 0-60 and a 253mph top end out of a 720hp, quad-turbo V12 sounds most unfordlike,

Ford should never have given us the Mach-E, at least not when they could have used the Nucleon.  Batteries instead of plutonium, but they could keep some of the styling cues.

They do realise that suppliers dealing with Walmart are probably already work at minimum margins, right? (I used to work for that type of supplier). They do realise that said suppliers will have no choice but to raise their prices to cover these costs, right?  So what changes?  The fuel prices are ultimately paid by

Is it a bar of soap? It’s certainly a concept of something, although I’m not entirely convinced vehicle is the right word for it.

I haven’t crossed that viaduct, but I have done one similar. The best part was that the only thing between the boat and a huge drop on one side was the edge of iron trough carrying the canal.  No railing on that side, no railing on the boat, nothing to get in the way of a wonderful view.

Anything without a second driver in it. Don’t get me wrong, I love driving most of the time, but when you get tired, or drunk, there’s nothing better than having someone else to take the wheel (Jesus doesn’t count).

Video game movies having such an excellent track record I can’t see this as being anything but a massive hit.

Need for Speed made absolutely no sense until the last ‘racing’ sequence which played out pretty much like the game, ie. there were cars, it paid scant regard to the real world and it made no sense.

Where I live you have to have a white license plate on the front, it really tones down the grill to the point that you have to stare to notice it.

No, there’s a small capacitor in there to.  So really, yes.

Raccoon City. Easy to get permission, because most of the residents are zombies, although there’s a good chance something ugly will wander onto the track during the race.  I’m sure Umbrella Corp. can put up the cash for sponsorship.