
There not much in a 2CV that you can’t fix with a hammer, a piece of string and a stick of chewing gum.  It was literally built for shitty roads and you have to try really hard to get it stuck somewhere you can’t just lift it out of.

Well, not sure how it works on your side of the Atlantic, but transferring money directly from bank account to bank account has always seemed more legit to me once you get into 5 figures.

Ignoring for the moment the fact that’s it’s a $100k offroader that you would really want to get dirty, cash only for this says to me that’s it’s owned by a drug dealer.

Unfortunately I think that would go as well as conversations about gun control after mass shootings.

Plus you can crash into whoever you want and it will still practically fling supercars at you no matter how many times you crash.

Your Mom’s car: (pictured is something like my Mom’s old car)

Improving safety without changing the track? That’s a win in my book.

Quite possibly that when leaving work if I I go up the gears into third without touching the accelerator, I will hit the 15 mph speed limit on our site until the engine warms up and the idle reduces. In winter this will get me to the front gate without hitting the gas. I’ve tried this in other cars, but the gearing was

There used to be a mini with a merc grill poking about where I used to live, but the oddest I’ve seen recently is a Morris Traveler made into a camper van, everything was period correct.

I guess RR are the brand which changes character least by electrification. Their cars are big, heavy and rely on bucketloads of torque to move you whilst trying to avoid drama and noise. Also, they bury any green pretensions pretty deep in that prose to avoid the “Dead dinosaurs are killing our planet!”/”Batteries are

I passed one of these on the road the other day, I realised that in accelerating to 80 uphill in 6th gear I was still using about a third of the fuel he was.

There are other driver (and non-drivers) on the road. Seriously, think how much better things would be if there were many fewer vehicles. Ever done the 7am Sunday morning dash to work and wondered why it couldn’t be the same in the week?

Given that the reason this track is back on the calendar is because of the orange army you could have called the race the Max Verstappen Grand Prix and everyone would have understood. Max was just faster and did everything he had to in order to win the race and I’m not disappointed that the fans got what they wanted.

So, pretty much on par with the book prequals which I could never take as anything more than fanfic of the proper story.

I’m not happy that we didn’t get a race, but I am happy we didn’t get cars going through Eau Rouge/Radillon at full whack in zero visibility.  There have been far too many accidents there recently and it would just have seemed like stacking the deck against the drivers.

Don’t they already have a humanoid robot for a CEO?

Why not just be done with it and call it CoPilot 180+π+Omni Synergistic LIDAR Cruise!”

Audi do seem to have designed the penis compensator that matches the drivers mood.

Does anyone else feel a nostalgia for the days when car companies actually had to build their concepts before making outrageous claims for it? Nowadays it’s all computer renders that subtly massage your ego and exude the smell of blueberries, while wafting you along to your next appointment for whatever you do in a

As much as I love motorsport, I don’t want to see it at the Olympics. However, if you were to have such an event I would look to the Race of Champions for inspirations. Racers compete in a range of supplied vehicles on a specially designed track akin to Rally Super Special stages in a knockout format.  It’s about the