You better tell Sarah Connor to take down the organisers of Formula E, they plan on having a driverless support race.
You better tell Sarah Connor to take down the organisers of Formula E, they plan on having a driverless support race.
As long as it doesn’t drive itself to the Nordschleiffe, run a few laps on it’s own, charge them to your credit card and then drive home before you’ve realised it has gone.
The ability to park anywhere at any time AND also sue rich people for libel? Sign me up!
I never knew the Talbot Horizon was born in America, learn something new every day.
As long as they have oil there will be a massive US airbase.
As long as they have money everything will turn out alright for them.
When I saw the drag co-efficient of that thing I was amazed, you’d think it was a dumpy little thing, but it is a slipperly little sucker.
Some-one’s half finished project. Yes, I know, one day it might be the perfect car, give it to me then.
Yeah, Hovercraft race! What could be more exciting than a twisty-turny course for a vehicle that doesn’t like to go where it is pointing?
Phew, for a minute there I thought you had just decided to reinvent Super Replicas.
Time to go for something with a bit of a vintage, plus points: No depreciation, you can get into the culture and the characters you find there, Minus points: Keeping it running, the culture and the characters you find there.
Oh, I expect the actual race to be entertaining, but there is more to any sport than the actual competition.
I have wondered how long it would be until someone tried this, as well as the technological hurdles the teams also have to overcome the inherent lack of personality of a robot car (although this is also a problem with some human racers) in order to keep viewers interest. Will we see inventively designed cars more akin…
Log flume! Nowadays it may mainly be used for leisure purposes, but originally if you wanted to to get your timber down to the river you built it a water slide and let it take the fun way. Apparently the longest was over 60 miles long. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I thought the CGI was bad enough, but the dialogue?
I just liked the way that the cars are not road legal in the states, but some guy had decided to buy and import 3 of them, for his own personal use.
Ferrari La Ferrari (or for that matter virtually any top end sports car) built for bring racecar performance to the road, excellent at driving slowly so that everyone knows how much money you have.
Mk1,focus, I was after a normal, everyday car to get me about, read a lot praising it’s handling. Test drove one and the seat did a number on my bad knee. Every car I’ve had since then has been bought at least partly on how good the seats are for me.
Self-driving taxi? That makes sense. Filling one of the seats with a talking manikin that would creep people out and make them choose another form of transport? Nonsense nightmare future.