Just one slight correction, Martin Brundle is Sky's current F1 commentator, he left the BBC in 2012.
Just one slight correction, Martin Brundle is Sky's current F1 commentator, he left the BBC in 2012.
In a way I'm glad this car exists, it has soaked up some of the world's bad taste so other cars can be free, it has died for us. Another part of me is glad it exists on the other side of the Atlantic from where I live and I will never accidentally encounter it. CP.
I live quite close to an army driver training centre and have passed these in traffic several times, they are quite possibly the funkiest thing on the road.
I could have something I've never heard of, that might be exclusive but isn't that pretty, or a weird brown Citroen? Well, even if the French oddmobile wasn't working properly at least I'd still have a weird brown Citroen on the drive. The other thing? Just too much of a bitter pill to swallow for me.
I like the Triumph, but there is just something about those little Fiats, I think I had a model of one when I was a kid.
People moaning about cars, that's my biggest grievance, especially cars they have never driven or are likely to drive.
Judging by my usage, 3rd would never get on the table. Yes, my car will go from zero to illegal in third no problems, but the amount of time I shift from second to forth because I either don't need to accelerate or don't need to run into the car in front of me means don't very often actually use it.
Another car that I would not hesitate to call NP. If it was $3300. Too many zeros, CP.
Hopefully it will be horribly vulgar, have a reputation for wayward handling, be bought by people with more money than class or taste and then never get driven in anger. We can all safely hate it, and then in 10 years someone will post a photo saying "WTF is this?" and people will admit kind of liking it.
I get the feeling your could make your own mess of an NSX for that price. CP.
I might be recalling this incorrectly, but I think the engine was a three cylinder jobby, put in at a slant to make it fit better. Those wheels certainly look quite a lot like the 'sausage' wheels that made it onto the production Mini.
If it didn't immolate then people would question whether it was a proper supercar.
I can imagine McLaren not releasing the time at all, did they ever release their time for the MP4-12C?
Well, I wouldn't say gone for good, because, look, Austria is back on the calender, but the track was not getting used for anything else and did not seem to have attracted the investment that was originally talked about (they were talking about build a town there, which I thought was a bit iffy from the word go). It…
Its clean, neat and is trying to be its own thing. But it is also $32,500, so CP.
Careful, that's where the monsters live.
Well, neither car is going to really be fast nowadays, so I guess I'd prefer to pootle about in the Javelin despite not having a V8.