It's big and blocky, if it had 4 doors it would be big and blocky. How it looks has very little to do with the doors.
It's big and blocky, if it had 4 doors it would be big and blocky. How it looks has very little to do with the doors.
Its nice, I'll give it that, but that price is going to buy me something more that what looks to me like just another American SUV. Sorry, but CP.
Its powered partly by digesting the flies it swallows.
Sounds like Crysler adder nuff.
I'm not sure there was any actual piece shared with Metro. Fantastic car, though.
I kind of like it but I suspect there's a reason why everyone is not doing this to Granny's old Honda. Besides, although I don't go 70 miles on an average day, that thing won't get me to my brother's house and back.
Why do you hate us so much?
Just surprised we didn't get the "It go up the ass of Timo" clip.
The Integra is nice, but I guess I've experienced too much 90's Japanese motoring beige. 80's Japanese cars, though? That thing is just lovely.
Its a warning to the rest of his fingers, they're not going to misbehave now.
Did they have to use a helicopter to retrieve it? And are you now obliged to wear an orange jumpsuit?
Do you approach each project completely fresh, or do you ever have an idea and think "That is definitely going on my next car" and have a concept even before the brief is given?
Okay, I'd have to call the styling questionable, not bad, but it just isn't doing it for me. And the specs? Are they aiming for it to be the world's slowest 1,000 hp car or something? Because it just seems slightly behind the curve, I'm not saying its slow, but if you brought up the figures for all the other 1,000…
For the ultimate car nerd, it would look exactly like a beige Camry, however, every single little thing under the skin would be completely different and make it absolutely awesome. All car non-nerds would immediately write it off as just another old person carrier, but a true car nerd would recognise it straight off…
All I want to know is what was wrong with the car originally that this shove everything in approach was supposed to solve?
Can't I just visit the hyperloo?