Any car with Taxi plates on it.
Any car with Taxi plates on it.
Is this a business success or are they barking up the wrong tree?
Nearly forgot to nominate this 3 times LeMans winner, great for winning and great for looking that damned sexy.
The Bentley blowers, showing the use of forced induction on a car.
Well, the F1 cars are hybrids, so I guess they're exempt...
I thought the 1.6 was only used in UK Capris, nonetheless I like it more than the Opel, its a neater and more compact design in my book.
The track was damp in places, I believe, not sure what tires he was on.
S Class Merc, just for the massaging seats, because 24hrs has got to be bad for your back and arse.
Well, 24 hours in the air, 2 or 3 on the ground, never said they were concurrent.
I used to scare myself with my poor typinge, but now I'm used to missing the 't' off the word 'It'.
Try taking flights that require you to spend 24+ hours in the air, believe me, it gets old fast.
I used to scare me, but I think I've spent so long in planes that now my brain thinks "I'm in a cramped metal tube again, how long until I can get off? I'm bored." Been in some 'amusing' landings, too.
Nothing mental, but me and a friend had 2 brand new Toyota hire cars in New Zealand, in wanting to get to Malborough, I decided I was going to take the road that wasn't actually on all the maps. Cue a lovely twisty road through the mountains, some of which was being resurfaced and so was only gravel. No hooning or…
I see what this guy has tried to do with the car, I don't think he has been successful, he probably could have got more power from the original engine, so CP.
Ferrari fires, nothing new.
Its a nice car, but there's something about it that says "No" to me.
The one on the left or the one on the right?
I've seen these before, they lift them completely off the tracks to pass people coming the other way. As for safety, I doubt its any worse than riding a moped in Cambodia, at least there are fewer potholes.
Underwater car tire fetishist. Try not to google that.
(Original) Mini Cooper. Yes, I know most people wouldn't call it a sports car, but it did compete in rallying, touring cars, rallycross and probably hill-climbs and auto-cross events, those are sports (okay, I know I've just called virtually every car out there a sports car). Sure, he'd be happy with any vintage…