i did play it at a buddys house, and i dont care about "defending my argument" i left the comment to state my views not debate / try to change minds
i did play it at a buddys house, and i dont care about "defending my argument" i left the comment to state my views not debate / try to change minds
haha you made me spill my drink, fuckin good one >.<
whoever that dude is, hes one lucky son of a bitch who can make nintendo pay him a hefty amount to pass over the domain
hot tits, awesome style, and a badass name.. what could go wrong?
shouldve tested it thoroughly before releasing it.. shit did he not know that it would cost "tens of thousands" to fix a patch prior to using xbox live?
thats like all of world of warcraft
What i dont understand is he was making it available and he was trying to access it?
indeed, still a gripe
they dont seem really disney-ish.. its like 50% there, somethings off though
yea pretty much
"Cause...that's what she wears. You know, that's what she wears."
sure why not
nope, there really isnt a difference its just your perspective on it
i like that
yea what the other guy said
i played a little bit of it at a buddys house, wasnt interested in it. i think bioshock just ruined the "escort youre whiny companion" mechanic for me in all honesty.
my only gripe with her is that shes white.. kinda makes her look like an evil manaquin
well shit even if i did play it and i felt it was boring or average there would STILL be people bitchin at me for it as if mine or their opinion matters..
i also suck at shooting jedi =(