
I’m a children’s librarian at a local large public library. Among various tools we have to encourage psychological development and early interest in learning, we have a bunch of toys - anything from puppets, to a play kitchen, to toy cars.

There’s certain documented effects of how humans perceive different colors on a psychological level. I’m guessing there’s no agreement, but rather the designers drawing on that same “feeling” that blue inspires. (Also I only see the pictures once, I think your kinja is just borked because you’re the poster)

It certainly lacks foresight. I’ve even considered trying to be an actually difficult client just for the sake of it (even though my general strategy towards dealing with businesses is “customer service sucks, so let’s not be a pain in the ass”). I don’t expect to be treated like royalty, but I’m not going to put up

I get the same shit from MB when I go to service my car now. Mind you, the actual service tech is great - young guy, probably the youngest one there so he gets stuck servicing the “bad” cars, but he’s very polite, very professional, will keep you informed of what he was doing with the car and will do a thorough job

Same. I bought a non-Subaru from a Subaru dealer and they even called the car’s official dealer several times for me to get me a new owner’s manual as well as give me answers about expected service intervals.

I went to a video game competition and there was a small young woman there who was dating one of the guys who made it to grand finals, which were jam-packed with hundreds of spectators. This young lady, to cheer on her boyfriend, would scream GET FUCKED every time one of his opponents made a mistake and got punished

That’s the math I did when I bought my car. I needed something that would drive me and my ukulele to work and had just enough space to haul me, my partner, and a 2-week’s load of groceries. It fits two duffel bags for a weekend vacation. 99% of the time I don’t need a car any larger than this (and as a bonus point, my

Yeah I was about to say... How about you stay on that planet over there then, and not interfere with the rest of us?

I’m a young woman and I drive a 2016 car but I still agree with you. My car doesn’t have a touch screen and has a very basic but very intuitive layout for the HVAC controls. There’s a dial that slides from left to right that controls the temperature of the air, and a halo of buttons around the dial that control the

Same. I think with the way these stories are written and with lots of photographs this could be a very beautiful display book.

If the game was designed from the ground up to be realistic and contained plenty of fit men running around with a boob jiggle of their own (seriously, muscular pecs jiggle more than lady-titties, mostly because lady-titties that are the same size or larger than muscular pecs would always be in a bra), then nobody

Better yet, if you didn’t actually rape someone, the justice system will serve you just as well (if not better) than anyone accused of any other crime. So if you didn’t actually fucking do it, they will find the evidence that acquits you.

I think he might have been sarcastic with those “great” and “some of the best driving I’ve ever seen” statements followed by the amazement that no one crashed and obvious chastising of how amateur and poorly-skilled they were.

I’ve complained about the absolute menacing, blind-spot ridden intersections and counter-intuitive arrangement of stop signs in my neighbourhood, but today, reading these comments, I just gained a new appreciation for them.

That’s not to mention that there driver’s ed in North America is woefully inadequate (unlike the oft-cited Germany, which does have a few unrestricted roads... and some of the toughest and most expensive driver’s ed in the world), and there are no actual inspections on vehicles that would guarantee public safety at

Something dudes don’t understand is that there’s assholes on the road who will pull shit against women in small/low cars that they would not try against another male driver. The feeling of being “safer” in an S/CUV as a woman comes form the fact that when you are looking down on said asshole from your 3+ tonnes of

I (literally) washed my car (first autumn as a car owner) a couple weeks ago right before the winter rains started and was like perfect, the rain will keep the car clean!

Thank you. I’m so fucking sick and tired of people thinking they can trot their stupid “haha funny” horny jokes and foist them on complete strangers. This includes crazed fangirls harassing male celebrities to sign their body parts as well.

Walker dated two women who were 16 when they started dating (and went on to date into their 20's). With one he was in his 20's, with the other he was 33. According to both women their relationship was positive and consensual, though of course when it comes to a relationship between a younger woman and a powerful

Agreed. I didn’t have a car for a long time just because 99% of them are so ugly/bland I couldn’t be bothered to spend that much money on them. This actually looks interesting/unique (even if a little ugly), compared to the slew of HURRR I’M A CAR that fill up the road.