
I love it how people are focusing on RAW MUSCULAR STRENGTH.

I think it's a combo of two things - first of all, how dismissive she was of the amount of consideration and courage that it must have taken Angelina to do what she did (I mean, it's not like she just randomly decided to teehee, chop off her boobies!1!) and then go public about it, and second, it was her mentioning of

Alright Jezzies, it's time for a poll!

I haven't read the books, no. And I'm not necessarily saying that Dany is the smartest or the wisest leader (far from it, really) - just that she has all of the characteristics the best/most influential and beloved leader would have.

That whole racist thing is really fucking bothering me.

I wasn't moved not because I'm "not a Stark fan" but simply because I stopped caring about the show's characters and their motivations a long, long time ago.

Oh, how could I forget? This webcomic is awesome:

I think there might be a few more now, I mean, they did let a woman penciller near a main Batman title (gasp!).

I really like the new Captain Marvel. It's light-hearted, but fun, and definitely portrays her and the women/men she teams up with as powerful fighters, not as eye-candy. I also really liked Batgirl: Year One (unfortunately it's only 9 issues long), which will be getting a reprint sometime this June/July. Batgirl

I honestly can't tell you.

I have a feeling people are going to jump on you over the age difference, but I found this story really sweet.

I do! I love paramedics and medics in general (but until a short while ago, I was training to become one too, so...). Totally wrote a few in to my books, too. Something about choosing a completely non-aggressive but still incredibly violent profession that demands high responsibility talks a lot about a man's

I live in Vancouver, and there is a ton of mixed-race (same-sex and heterosexual) couples here. I see at least half a dozen every time I go outside, in various configurations and of various ages and ethnic backgrounds. My sister has, by total chance, two mixed-race friends in her circle of friends, I have five (not

Signed! And if they can't pass it, then they don't get a chance at the talking stick or a vote when it comes to any scientific (including medical) topics.

That makes SEAL Team 1 one hell of a Rambo..... :P

"SEAL Team 6" (that's not actually what they're called, I believe) consists of at least a couple of hundred of SEALs.

He's heeeeeeerreeeeeee! :D

When I worked in a research lab we had an 80% female, 20% male lab break down, and every Monday there was a happy get-together of all of the lab workers getting together and raving about the new GoT episode (or avoiding that place during lunch like the plague if you haven't watched the episode yet). I think it was...

I'm a GoT enthusiast (my facebook profile picture has been me sitting on the Iron Throne for the past year and a bit).

Yeah I uh... sorry, don't get the whole adoration of Don Drapper either. He's about as attractive as my step-father, which is to say, an average-looking dude who's in good shape. You know, not ugly, not attractive, somewhere in the middle. (Though I guess unlike my step-father, Drapper actually knows how to wear a