
So actually, it is because they are transphobic. Or really fucking ignorant, which loops right back into the first one.

Seeing how I'm not transgender, I'll avoid answering your first points as it's not something I can speak about. All I can say from a medical stand-point, while yes it might not be *directly* impacting her physical health to have a penis and extra body hair, it's more likely than not causing her severe psychological

You should probably be asking if you can cash in your Viagra coverage for free toothpaste instead - especially since, you know, you actually ARE subsidized for it.

A lot of research is kind of "duh", but it's part of the scientific process to actually establish "duh" as a tried and true "duh" because frequently - and especially in psychology - what seems to be "duh" is actually the exact opposite of what actually happens and if you go on assuming that "duh" is obvious, and base

Polygamy ban was fairly recently upheld here, and it made me incredibly sad. It was tied to "abuse of women and children and pedophilia (lots of religious leaders like to marry young girls)". And I was like um - no. Shitty people abuse women and children, it has NOTHING to do with there being more than two people in a

I worked in a lab that measured stress and hostility, and the way we'd do it is absolutely NOT through asking people if they felt stressed or hostile. Because that's impossible to quantify. Instead, the common practice in these situation is to ask the subject questions that would indirectly make them expose their

"If the person is single and child-free, forget it." Oh right, because single and child-free women totally don't even know what a kid is. Can you make a shoe out of one? No? Then not interested.

Okay. I can't be the only one who thinks there might be a smidge of a correlation between D. Trump tweeting that little BS line about vaccines and autism, and the recent growing awareness (and articles) of the fact that old dude sperm = higher chance of children with autism.

High-five! That's always the plan.

Actually, I would imagine that the men who are into some kind of a D/s sexual relationship might like the trivia game (if they haven't already done it). I mean, a good slave (even if he's just a slave behind closed bedroom doors) would know everything about his mistress, blahblahblah. If he doesn't know the answer he

WHOA. WHAT? Yeah, that is freaking offensive. And wrong. And just fucking creepy as hell. Especially when statistics show that at least 15% of the women in the BDSM scene identify strictly as dominants. That's not even taking into account all of the switches! It's douchecanoes like him that never fail to ruin a nice

There was a hentai like that! (And I'm sure it wasn't the only one)

Sounds like Todd Akin might have something in his past he doesn't want known and persecuted for.

High-five. I will definitely do that too. If anything, that split-second look on their face would be worth it.

I define "real man" as an individual who a) is operating under the assumption that he is male (penis absolutely not required), b) is a mature and responsible individual who c) respects other people and also respects himself (or tries to, anyways - we all have our insecurities). Incidentally, that's also how I would

I believe that during the middle ages (?) the belief was that pregnancy only occurred if the woman orgasmed (? - maybe just enjoyed herself - I don't remember exactly, sorry; just that this was a long-time-ago thing when doctors and witches weren't entirely separate). So the idea here is that if a woman got pregnant

Yep. Cover hair, wear skirt, shut the fuck up. I remember getting freaked out at over all three - thank god I only ever had to attend two services. Also, today I learned that you're apparently not allowed to go to service if you're menstruating. AND you can't touch the altar ever, because wimminz are unclean.

Okay, I honestly wish "scientists" (and I use quotations marks here because AHAHAHAHAHA scientists?! That's what they're NOT) stopped assuming that it was up to dem ladiez to impress the highly desirable gentleladz for their sexy sexy spermz. Because I would presume, based on statistical evidence everywhere else in


Okay, that's it. I want to commission a study on the suicide rates of women who were denied access to abortion and were forced to carry a pregnancy they didn't want to term versus the women that were able to get the abortion they needed. I would also like to study the health and development of the children who were