
I knew he was in girls, but I really know him from the pretty cool movie “While We’re Young”. He plays the quintessential hipster in that. It’s so funny that he plays that role but was a mortar man about to deploy to the sandbox in a former life. Amazing story behind him.

When I complained that Kylo was unstable, my husband said Siths are encouraged to give into their destructive tantrums because it strengthens the dark side within them. He also said that Kylo was “different” because he didn’t have proper training, and so couldn’t control his force better - so it caused him more mental

Carrie Fisher is awesome and she looks great. (ALSO, she is smart as hell and a great writer.)

Do you think the First Order even has a HR department?

She also had botched throat polyp surgury a few years after Jedi when she blew her vocal cords doing a Broadway thing. That definitely contributed too.

Have you seen her Graham Norton appearance yet? (It’s British, you’ll have to youtube it). She’s awesome. She absolutely owns everything she’s done/been through, and is just a kick ass older woman. Anyone wanting to snark on her can fuck right off.

“candy bar processor”

I really don’t get having super strong feelings about other people’s attractiveness. I’m pretty neutral on Adam Driver in general, but also could see meeting him in a bar and being super into him but also maybe not depending on how he’s acting or whatever. WHO KNOWS BECAUSE WE WILL NEVER MEET AND IT DOESN’T MATTER.

For a real life comparison to Leia’s conflict with the first order see what 7 years of dealing with Republicans has done to Barack Obama.

Regardless of Carrie’s body and face, there’s something about them that will never happen to your bodies:

If I remember correctly, there were a lot of people talking about the same thing when Girls first started. Personally, I am way too focused on the numerous Emo Kylo Ren jokes to have noticed this happening again.

I actually like Adam Driver and hadn't seen him in anything before Star Wars.

I wish she would #rebelstop with all the #rebeltalk.

I’d like to talk about how great Carrie Fisher’s face is. Always.

She is an absolute goddess and fundamentally lovely inside and out.

Weed is too mainstream for Madonna. SHE MUST ALWAYS BE ON THE EDGE.

It’s called cupping, and from what I can tell it is an ancient Egyptian method of giving yourself hickeys the size of saucers all over your back. It’s great if you’re an attention whore and want people to ask you “oh my god, what happened???” when you wear tank tops.

Madonna needs to do something dramatic every day to satisfy her #rebelheart.

Carrie Fisher has been through a lot. She doesn't need people dissecting her appearance.

Tweens have started telling me that I look like the guy from 50 Shades of Grey, so I’ve been mortified a lot lately.