
“God dammit. Way to throw me under the bus, guys. I thought we all agreed to answer these questions truthfully.”

Harry. Cause that’s what makes me beautiful.

niall is a perfect creature who never causes me any heartache


none of you are good enough for them

I love me some Sam Heughan! And i have many gifs saved to prove it.

until he grabs your thigh inappropriately and has your mom thrown overboard from a cruiseship by his maybe-lover. Wow that character really scarred me.

What pants? My pants are already off

I don’t understand this list. Where’s Idris Elba? Where’s Tom Hiddleston?

Is Hiddles a natural ginge? That’s my jam.

I will always star my avatar. And add gifs:

Ummmmm... that would be Hiddles. During his dark haired Loki days.

I keep telling myself- I will not objectify the president...I will not objectify the president...I will not objectify the president...

I was hoping for Seth Rogen. Would bang like a screendoor in a windstorm.

Obama. Hands down.

HONOURABLE MENTION?? James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Frasier. HELLLO JEZEBEL!

“She died doing what she loved”


Good point;Satanic eyebrows are no one’s friend.

Paul Rudd. Always my honorary sexiest man alive...