
I really don't like her look. It's not cute and it's not rad. I just want her to know, cause she seems like the type that will read every comment on here because it's "about her".

Personally the Wii U is the sexiest looking console this gen. The XB1 looks like a VCR and the slant on the PS4 is atrocious.

The Xbox comes with a state of the art motion detection camera though. It's part of the console and that is GREAT for developers who can now make a Kinect based game and hit 100% of XB1 owners. It it was debundled it would completely destroy that aspect. Just look at what does better, Eyetoy or Kinect.

Polygon is a stellar video game site, I recommend you all check it out. Glad to see Kotaku reference them instead of just posting this as their own.

The game could get so much shit for this. But alcohol and tobacco? Bah that's fine! Alcohol and tobacco are two of the most dangerous substances that you can expose yourself to on a regular basis. In terms of overall potential to cause harm, if used regularly, alcohol and tobacco belong in the same category as other

Truth. Weed has been utterly discriminated against yet much worse drugs such as nicotine and alcohol are practically glorified. While the media, lawyers, government was busy trying to suppress weed, riddilin/adderall was practically being given away to kids that asked for it.

KH has great gameplay, stellar series but some things bother me. What bugs me the most are the characters faces, they are hideous! The artwork for the series is fine, but in game the little extra detail they seem to give in Sora's and Riku's face is disgusting.

All the PS4 controllers are super-sized.

If you scroll up and down really fast on the image, the lawnmowers don't move.

Amazing, you rarely hear about games that had to invent themselves like this these days. I mean look at CoD.

Truth. You also have the chance for a redesign and a bigger HDD for the same price or cheaper. When it comes to games, people more or less settle for mediocre titles too. I got Madden and Perfect Dark Zero at 360 launch... and actually played them :(

Personally I think getting ANY launch consoles is a bad idea. Buying the console 2 years down the road has so many benefits. It's ok to get a system at launch if you are a Sony nerd, Xbox nerd, or Nintendo nerd and you really don't care if it only had 1 crappy game you just want it day 1 and you can't get it soon

Sadly its much too late now. Would have been cool to see an entire anime series about the adventures of Red, but instead we get Ash who I think is pretty lame.

The Pokemon anime could have followed the game with some grit and great animation following trends like One Piece, Naruto, or heck, even some parts of digimon, but instead they dumb it down to seasonal reboots and self-contained episodes. While there is a story progression, and some episodes are multiple parts, the

Gothgor didn't come out of no where. It's one of the top 3 decks in format.

Pokemon has had better formats in the past. Right now they are in the EX era, with Basic Pokemon having up to 180HP, although worth 2 prizes instead of the standard 1. I understand there will always be a power creep, and the newest set will have to have great cards/decks to sell, but the game currently has no set up.

Whoever did this (I assume they were a loyal Minecrafter) must have felt threatened about this game. Looks like they gave them free PR, I haven't heard of this game before now, I don't play Minecraft cause I need more objective, but I very may well pick up this game now.

Some people go to every tournament, pay hundreds for airfair, spend hundreds for the new cards in each set, and devote thousands of hours a year in playing/thinking about the game. I like the game, I play at my local tournies (and do well) but spending close $1,500 a year in traveling alone is where I draw the line.

People RNG, which I think doesn't require any hard hacks. There are ways to cheat and not get caught, but I do think the requirement to get perfect stats and level up your pokemon is outrageous when they should let you modify them as you want so you can more easily build a team.