
Did you really abbreviate 3 words that are 3 letters or less?

The PS3 is one of the most versatile Blu-Ray players on the market, but I despise motion pictures. Movies have never been my thing and they haven't evolved much from the 1950's. Their only purpose is facilitating eventual strange without much effort, and even then, it's just a cheap way to jump 120 minutes further

I looked it up and it is indeed Mariano, thanks for that. Sadly I cannot post his website due to his very NSFW artwork. Those curious feel free to google him lol. I found it simply searching "Mariano Pikachu".

I post this to cleanse peoples brains of horrific Pikachus.

Honestly, I don't know what to think. I can see the good on both sides. The worst part was Microsofts communication. Imagine if they had this debate a YEAR ago and let gamers battle it out for what they would announce at E3 was the final result? Bah, that could be bad too. This whole thing is a mess.

I would be disappointed if they separated the 2 as well, as it would completely abolish the 1:1 thing they would have going. It's another reason I will be waiting a year or two before buying either a XBone/PS4, things seem to be changing rapidly (such as with the DRM). My hopes for the Kinect are small things though,

Among the ever growing mountain of FPS games, this years Killzone certainly didn't stand out.

The original Kinect wasn't sold with the 360 at launch. I can't stress enough how huge this is, regardless of Kinect sales, it would never be 1:1 with the 360. I agree, the Kinect was lackluster, as was the Vision before it, but to me they were always 'add-ons'. The new Kinect is no longer an add-on, and those that

The Kinect 'bundle' is GREAT. It allows developers to know 100% every Xbox owner will have one. By not bundling it, support would be drastically cut. I'm really surprised so many people don't realize this.

People just can't accept this is a good thing, they don't want to change their views and opinions that were formed at and the weeks prior to E3. The Xbox is the only thing that is flip-flopping right now.

Sony Ace just turned into an 8 of Clubs.

It's spelled EarthBound. The B is capital. Let's hope they change that upon release.

If this was Nintendo, they would be getting so much shit right now.

I bought a Classic controller pro and never looked back. The bumpers shun the gamecubes (for this game at least).

That site looks pretty awesome! They are sucking the dick of "The Last of us" either.

Graphics looks pretty good to me. I play all generations of games, Sega Genesis games one day, maybe a PS2 game the next. To be honest, the graphical leap for "next-gen" really has not impressed me. I expected more.

People say the same exact stuff about Nintendo each generation. People even thought the Nintendo DS was going to flop! HA! Having followed Nintendo (and gaming in general) for as long as I can remember, I see history repeating itself yet again. The Wii U will have Mario Kart, a 4-player 3D Mario, a new Pikmin since

I take it that character will be prevalent online. It's probably the werewolf thing too.

Many of the original crew would gladly make a proper Banjo 3 on a Nintendo system, they want to so bad, however they can't because they don't own the IP. Not many, if any, of the original Rare crew still work at Rare.

That would have been funny if after he died, the next random room was the same exact one.