Pikku Myy

“My blood hurts” made me laugh harder than it probably should.

I am very, very much in favour of vaccines, even mandatory vaccines, but I think some of it comes down to a (not entirely unwarranted) distrust of the medical community and their motives. Who here can say they haven’t experienced a doctor ignoring what you’re telling them about symptoms and distrusting your

But according to anti vaxxer logic, it’s better to be dead from a preventable disease than possibly autistic/vaccine damaged/wtf ever other bullshit they think (like breaking a bone after falling off your roof 30 years after a vaccine is a vaccine injury).

I' ve seen a lot of these people argue that vaccines aren't the reason why diseases like polio and measles have been eradicated. They argue that nutrition and sanitation are the real reasons why. They won't accept the evidence no matter how clear it is and their children will end up dead like this kid.

folks are cleverly infecting anti-vaccination activists with computer viruses embedded in photos and links.

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.


+10 for mentioning bell hooks

Yes, there are people who legitimately think that transracialism is a thing and should be supported. It’s sickening really but not shocking as there is no limit to human stupidity.

Also, being an ally and feeling you have a right to speak AS a black person are different. There are hardly enough PoC who get airtime as it is - do we really need some white person masquerading as black taking up even more space? It completely negates black experience by making it something we can all pick up or put

She also could have become NAACP president without ever assuming a black racial identity. It’s not a requirement. She could have had the exact same career success without doing any of the deception.

The thing is, you have proof that you have black genes in you. Rachel does not.

racial groups are not a monolith. how would one go about living as another “race” without perpetuating racist stereotypes? please don’t use rachel dolezal as an example. you know that “transracialism” was made up by tumblr trolls,right?

i’d have no problem with a white person teaching African American studies. in fact,i have read books about racism authored by white people and found them educational and accurate.

My Blackness is not all of the stereotypes that people put upon me. My Blackness is a fact of me being born this way.

White female commentator here. SING IT.

More like Fifty Shades of Bronzer

I wish I could say that I’m surprised by the amount of people defending her but I can’t. White women can pretty much get away with anything. Must be nice. *waits for angry white female commentators to complain*