Pikku Myy

ACAB, honestly. There should be more options for marginalised groups of people also facing mental illness. They’re just not doing enough. There should just be a good web chat service with either other mentally ill volunteers or trained counsellors. Sometimes it’s hard to actually speak for me but I never have trouble

I peacefully resisted. I still got hurt. Peacefully in this case means I just became dead weight when they were trying to remove me. I was afraid of anything like that happening so I didn’t do anything at all, but had I gotten sprayed for no reason I’m sure I would have had it way worse

“To be honest"

uh, no, that’s not what I’m saying but okay my dude

lol wow

good 2 know my life is literally worth nothing to men lmao, better stay in my place!!

Fortunately your info is relevant to me to a T :P

I have great friends who are great listeners and a good psychiatrist but I would love a well-informed talk therapist to be honest. I’m just unsure of how to get one that I can afford I guess

It might be best to call a local crisis hotline, then, I guess?

I don’t know how qualified you are to speak on this issue, considering you yourself are not autistic and merely the parent of an autistic child. You keep comparing Autism to actual diseases... what’s with that? Why so ableist? I’m autistic, but I have depression, and I want a cure or treatment for the latter. The

Re: ABA -

Yep! I totally feel what you’re saying here. :)

I’m not sure if you meant to reply to the other person? But a lot of what you said, in fact most of it, reminds me of me.

Yeah, im autistic too. I get all of this because I face it too.

It’s not just me who doesn’t prefer it, just fyi. Many, many autistic people do, especially those of us who advocate for ourselves and fellow autistic people.

He was autistic. He didn’t have it. He was it. Don’t use person-first language about this sort of thing ‘cause it feels alienating.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? It’s not even something wrong with us but because that’s how it’s viewed, we’re the ones who have to expend all our energy making ourselves smaller so that other people can cope with us, all the while just trying to cope with the world around us with no hope. It’s tough. I hate it. I’ll

What does it matter? A knife isnt a damn gun. You can take down a person wielding a knife with pepper spray ffs

I’m not sure if I’m okay yet, but I’m not as bad as I was. Thank you. I keep it with a few friends I really trust not to call now, and who know how to talk me down when I need it.