
I would rather ride this one than the 75 foot one at my local fair every year. I can see the carnies scratching their heads looking at a handful of extra nuts and bolts wondering where they should have gone.

What drives me crazy is that the chat notifications on my Android do not go away automatically when I read the messages in gmail anymore. With google talk, all I had to do is look at the message in gmail and my Talk notification on my phone would just go away. Anyone else having this issue?

Yeah, this is the way to go. Never be afraid to walk away. They will call you back, and if they dont, there will be another deal.

I went with my girlfriend to go buy her new car, and I told her the same... Dont say a word. After a lot of back and fourth and $1200 later I was still not satisfied and was arguing over $150. She said "its only $150, let just get this over with.". I was not happy, I could have got the $150.

Why did they stop selling these? This looks exactly like what I need. I only carry a few cards, my ID, and sometimes a little cash. Do you know of a place that may still have a few of these, or a similar product?

Good point....

This would be a great fit at a school. They already have boxes all around the schools near me with defibrillators in them, they could toss one of these in there too and if some teacher that doesnt know CPR they could grab one and use it.

Wow. I used this to get movie times back in the day. "movie times for (movie) (zip code)".

I wonder what the pricing model is for a site license for a school. I was going to license the web and design suite cs6 for my district. Wonder how they will work this out. I understand the subscription based model. You are always up to date. We do this with Microsoft for Office, but if we ever come across hard times


"Also, support for Mountain Lion support"

As a Bruins fan, this made me chuckle.

Now playing

Danvers State Hospital in Danvers, MA was a creepy one. They filmed a movie there called "Session 9". We spent a lot of our childhood sneaking in there. Around 2005 they started turning the property into apartments. A lot of history there.

Law and Order SVU episodes have to start somewhere.

Hey, all of you assholes taking the green line from North Station to the Red Sox game.... Regardless of what the Red Sox website says, DO NOT get on the E train. When you have to get off at Copley and cram yourself back onto an already overpacked train, you look like a dickhead.

What NAS model do you have? I am looking for a Synology that will backup directly to a external hard drive connected to the NAS. I was looking at the Synology DS213.


I was a block away on Huntington Ave. when we heard the explosion. People were running and screaming. It was chaos. I was able to get off one phone call to my girlfriend to ask her to check the news and let me know what was happening. The phone didnt work for calls and texting after that. Verizon 4g data still worked

Or its that people are just getting weirder, and this type of stuff is expected.