Phoenix Knight Nova

It’s pretty cool that they are adding online play to some of the classic games.

Someone needs to let them win before China executes them for their failures :(

Kinda surprised Final Fantasy Legend games aren’t even on the Honorable Mentions list.

Fahey has always felt like a real genuine nice guy to me. I hope he gets well soon, his articles were always my favorite.


The vast majority of my Saturn and Dreamcast games were rendered useless by one

Man... I wish I had these back in the day, most of my Saturn cases broke. In fact I think I only have one Saturn and and Sega CD case in tact anywhere. (Shining Force CD and Albert Odyssey)

Maybe you forget... but in the book the final challenge was multilayered

This just in...

You can not go face with Rush

My application of choice is Taco meat or chili personally, but it does make good jerky.

I don’t know 😭😭

You know, the White House has janitors, tour guides, chefs, guards.

Looking forward to some new Pokémon to catch, plus the sooner we get through gen 3 the sooner we will get Gen 4 and all those juicy new old evo’s. (Please papa Gamefreak can we do that again in gen 8?)

I loved that game at first buts it’s definitely always had flaws. It’s not balanced for squat for certain.

I think Megas were exactly what the game needed to counter act the stat bloat of gen 5 and also bring back Pokémon that needed help being useable.

It’s funny I think in a lot of ways Pokémon is similar to a trading card game in the way that it has SO many choices that many people are overwhelmed and just ask what they should use.

Hopefully it means they are hiding some new Megas close to their chests >_>

I know personally I tend to prefer physical media so basically all the games I have downloaded are those indie games...

I played Fire Emblem Heroes from launch for a few months. I stopped that shortly after I quit all the other Gotchapons I played on my phone.