Phoenix Knight Nova

Mario 3 is still the best game ever made. Some things don’t age

That’s a pretty common occurrence with titles which have been released previously in other regions.

That’s cheap, I’m happy with that

The thing is... the only thing I can see being any good is a God of War clone...

Great... a 5th Pokémon app...

I think some people were mad that she got a father. That somehow tethering her to a male reduced her uniqueness.

When I was younger my little brother and I would often do wrestling moves and play fight in the pool.

Question for comic book fans?

The thing that really hurt my enjoying Fates was the “poison” abilities that a lot of the enemies carried.

It somehow manages to be the best and most under-rated Moba at the same time.

I’m not saying he was right, BUT the phrase “Frame Perfect” is most often attributed to Fighting games. So I’m not like completely shocked someone might think that was a problem.

Electric Chair plz

There is at least 6 more DLC characters... but as one of them is DEFINITELY Raiden I have a sad feeling it won’t happen.

I typically go to Ohayocon in Colombus Ohio every year. It’s held in a very nice and large hotel/convention center.

The game cards still work offline, you just can’t interact with the people who play by the rules online.

If the cable company takes away your cable because you didn’t pay their bill is the TV broken?

I don’t want to hear about legal gray areas.

Most have prop check stations that are required when getting your con ID.

You clicked accept when you got the system.

Holy shit dude