They don’t actually get cooked, they fly above the food and do a little fairy magic and leave
They don’t actually get cooked, they fly above the food and do a little fairy magic and leave
That’s thousands of votes they don’t have to counter act in the next election.
I wonder how the Master Sword power up will work?
What a joke
I have forced myself to push all Gacha’s out of my life and recognized the fact that I am definitely a degnerate gambler...
Wow that thing is super sexy
People are huge bullies about this stuff, and not just in Overwatch... it happens in Moba’s a lot.
Good thing he went for that stockpile or he woulda been toast.
Shouldn’t each faction get one hero!?
Damn i tried to get one for my brother’s birthday but it won’t let me >_>
Damn i tried to get one for my brother’s birthday but it won’t let me >_>
Cuz France?
It’s not fair! I just wanted super powers!
Every human is
So the joke would have never really worked because the context is too specific to begin with. So this is probably the wrong hill to die on for this guy...
So my little brother and I go to my parents house for Dinner on Sunday every week. (I’m 32, he’s 28)
What if Chris punches that energy beam out of existence. That would be hilarious/awesome
I’m glad I already had Prime so it wasn’t too big of sticker shock.
And you can curse up a blue streak about that bullshit piece of gabardine fucking blue shell that ruined your race without hurting anyone’s feelings.