I wish but it’s out on PlayStation 3&4
I wish but it’s out on PlayStation 3&4
War of the Lions with online multiplayer?
I missed you Baseball!
I’m just sad I won’t get to play this unless it gets a Switch port. :/
Ubisoft may be the worst for this type of thing.
I recognize this has very little to do with the intent of this article however.
Do you see any culpability, apologies or reimbursements?
Kinda sad that Bioware gets a pass for screwing it’s fans with a buggy shit mess because they can fix it later.
Poor Lonk
Yo but Skinny Fat Buu tho!
They just seem more common because there is no Megas in the VGC format yet.
I wouldn’t say the Major was charismatic in the original movie.
It’s okay, it’s still legal to be wrong about things
From the Nubkek’s video I watched today detailing the changes I’m not sure because they seem to have split up the acquisition methods. They even split the colors of the skins up into individual skins
Straight up, I’m disappointed in this.
I’ll give him credit, I don’t care much about tier lists, but Link feels clunky as hell in Smash 4 and I never liked him. Toon Link I kinda liked though.
Oh man, I should have looked into this more, was dissappointed I couldn’t fix it and didn’t get to play Splatoon at all -_-
I only ever made it through part 1... mostly because the overwhelming amount of playthroughs i needed to do in part one to get all min-maxy... it killed it for me in the end...
I have the helm, and the rubber suit... though I think one of the pieces for the rubber suit was in that shrine.
The one on top of the water falls!? I just left a sword up there and let it get struck by lightning you madman ;)