It’s also much more expensive and has way worse rates so I mean yeah if you want to spend 10x the money and time to get into the good stuff go ahead
It’s also much more expensive and has way worse rates so I mean yeah if you want to spend 10x the money and time to get into the good stuff go ahead
Brace Exvius is a good-ish game but the paywall is much steeper, the prices much higher and the rng much worse
Of course they are going to SAY that...
I’m a genophobe i guess
I really enjoyed the Pokken tournament last year, would like to see it back, hopefully with the new characters.
So he’s the establishment and the people against him are the anti-establishment.
When the anti-establishment people act more deplorably then the people they are fighting you just know we’re all boned.
Break up with the first girl and move on with your life.
Spirit Bomb is pretty cool... but obviously the Five Star Cat Splash is the best Z move
Incineroar is awesome
I’m actually pretty impressed by how they handled the poke transfer.
Tifa > Celes > Faris > Terra > Agrias
I will gladly purchase an on the go copy of Binding of Isaac Afterbirth +
I wish my PS4 was not broken -_-
It looks like he had some mysterious fighter with him as well
Personally, I hope the Clown God of destruction is voiced by the dude that does Buggy on One Piece.
When you “Go face” you attack the enemy hero.
Is that a real reporter or Dana Carvey doing a bit on SNL
And then run a dishonest headline?
I’m saying you shouldn’t ask the janitor for secret information that their boss is in charge of.