Phoenix Knight Nova

Sneak in some more face customizations.

I don’t have the time to watch streamers, it’s just the nature of my job schedule but I do watch quite a few of their YouTube videos. I like Krip a lot, Trump, Amaz are also good.

I think they should make the Red Hood. Gives you the chance to use Batfleck again, introduce Red Hood, hopefully Nightwing, and the Joker.

And the giant Internet hate machine rolls on.

I think the thing that annoys me most about the negativity surrounding these movies is the hypocrisy of the complaining.

Ace the Batdog is one of the best parts of that show

The Ninja Turtle’s party wagon is not a proper Batmobile.

I did them zone by zone as I leveled through them. Dog squad was the first security perk I picked just to prevent excessive back tracking.

It’s like 95% solo game as is

Holy shit Zangief is Macho Man

>_> what?

Awww shucks I can do much better then that! Thanks for the go-ahead

This is who we are becoming

Well to be fair you aren’t the only person on Kotaku, there are definitely a lot of commenters that just trash the guy all the time. Which may or may not be fair to lump in with “Kotaku” as an entity.

You can hope for completely unwarranted things all you want.

In a vacuum none of these things matter which is why these arguments are always hilarious.

I so look forward to the months and months of constant crying about BvS until the next one comes out for you guys to complain about.

He may or may not but Zac wouldn't know until he tried

I would say like it’s more of a film for Zac Synder or maybe for Frank Miller.

They nuked Superman specefically because they did in Dark Knight Returns