
Having a photo of your face photoshopped onto a porn star's body by someone else without your consent should affect your custody case? What??

I don't find the "showing skin" part problematic as much as I find violation of someone's autonomy problematic. This person took something that wasn't theirs without consent and spread it around for all to see. Are you okay with people routinely violating your autonomy?

I mean, I guess you could say "it's not a

It's not just a naked picture, it's taking power away for the person in the picture turning them into victims. And taking it a step further by putting their information on the website? That can lead to stalking, voyeurism, rape and murder. Any number of things. "No on can hurt you unless you let them"? No. This man

People die every day from gun violence and idiotic accidents. If we wait to talk about it until the day no one dies, we'll be waiting until the end of time.

Did you read? 2 people committed suicide, 47% think of suicide, people's lives ruined in all sorts of ways. She's making an example of him too. He's not just wrong, he's a murdering devil.

Internalized misogyny: it's real.

He's a big enough dick to deserve to get his perverted little playhouse torn down.

This is a very mysterious and bizarre approach to take. Have you ever had to fight against an injustice in your life? Have you ever been a victim of someone elses behaviour ? Do you have stakes in our society and ensuring the health and wellbeing of its members both male and female? If we ll followed yours and the

People can get fired from their jobs, or they could have their childrens' custody taken away. It could traumatize family members. Additionally, their personal information (workplace, home, social media) was posted - that's incredibly dangerous and threatening.

In general, I also have a problem with the phrase "No one

did you miss the part where women HAVE COMMITTED SUICIDE because of this asshole and his 'fun'? women have lost their jobs, live in fear that they may lose their kids because of this asshoole and his 'fun'. he destroys women's lives by hacking into their personal, private computers and destroys women's lives with

Next time someone mugs you, or punches you, or steals your identity — don't waste your time reporting it. Just get over it.

Wrong. The only way to get past this is for people who want their nude photos out there to put them out there themselves and people who don't want nude photos out there to not have them put the fuck out there.
No one has the right to decide this but the person in the damn photo. His "schtick" is sociopathic behavior

Charlotte Laws, you are a BAMF.

Charlotte Laws wins most amazing woman of the year hands down. Also most badass mom ever in the history of the world. She is just covered in awesome.

Charlotte: you are a hero.

Agreed! These jokes are so tired and most people haven't realized it yet. A girl's sexuality belongs to her, and virginity is a social construct. Teach your girl to love herself and understand the facts of biology so she can protect herself physically and emotionally. Give her Our Bodies Ourselves, make sure she's on

Yeah the shotgun joke is so outdated and creepy and weird. Like my dad needs to threaten violence to anyone wanting to date me? Really? In 2013?

The shotgun joke is... I don't know, it does't go. I can't really laugh at the idea of a dad threatening lethal violence because his daughters may want to have sex. I know it's a joke but it's one of those jokes whose time has passed.

Of course weapons are necessary when females enter pubescence b/c they are such idiots that all potential sexual interests must (and can only) be scared away w/ threats of violence so their sexual purity is maintained!!

When I was in the 8th Grade we were supposed to keep journals for English class. We were supposed to write 5 pages a week. My teacher, Ms. Gaffney (the best!), would count the pages and then give us a check, check plus, or check minus. I got so far ahead in my journal it never occurred to me that she was actually