
Your journalism reads like a bad comment section rant. Just because YOU can’t think of a fun watchable modern take on this IP doesn’t mean no one can. Maybe, just maybe, the guys who created Harold & Kumar and Cobra Kai have a take you don’t see coming.

I’m not even a Duke Nukem fan but Jesus Christ, you really don’t understand the point of the character, huh

It is so bizarre to scoff at the idea of reviving a dead IP, when it’s being done by a team who have found success doing exactly that.

Just worded strangely is all.

When will you people finally realize that there are no bad ideas, just bad execution? The Cobra Kai guys are the princes of “That sounds like a bad idea” and it turning out to be entertaining far, far, far beyond it had any right to be. The KINGS of this are Lord and Miller. 21 Jump Street. Lego Movie. Animated

Eh, hanging around with a then-12-year-old, flying her out to London, etc., is pretty sketchy even if we ignore the accusations of violence and pushing drugs.

Yeah, if Miller had been grooming Iron Eyes since age 12, the time to act was really any time before the child turned 18. I can’t believe the judge signed the order covering the 18-year-old as well as the parents. AFAIK, an adult cannot request a protective order on behalf of another adult. 

So the parents just... let Miller, then 22, groom their 12-year old for six years before applying for a court order only when they turned 18 and were of age to make decisions themself?

Yeah I’m curious what else is going on here. 12 to 18 is a LONG time and some really fucked up shit was done in between. What the hell were the parents doing the rest of the time??

Ya man burying the pay wall is an easy way to stoke a sunk cost fallacy.

The fuck is this advertisement? It’s arguably one of the most exploitive and overpriced f2p games in history. Bye Kotaku. I'm done with this corpse of a website.

The estimates I’ve seen have found that it would take at least $100,000 and up to $500,000 to fully upgrade your character. Or, if you want to play the game exclusively “free”, you would need to sink anywhere from 10-20 years of continuous play to do it. 

For all the primo coverage on Blizzard’s latest money-grab, er,  game, goto http://www.Kotaku.shill

Snipe, absolutely. Imply for months that a film you haven't seen will inspire violence across the nation? Maybe not.

So what’s the over/under on number of thinkpieces the AV Club can churn out about how this is a dark herald of our times and/or will definitely lead to real world violence?

I usually enjoy snark, but this article made me feel uncomfortable. Like I accidentally walked in on the writer taking a shit. 

That’s also Johnny Depp.

Normally I’m also not a fan of “I get the joke!” participation on the part of the joke’s target, but Leto has taken a LOT of lumps for Morbius so I kinda think he’s earned his participation.

Honestly, most of The Mandalorian fucking sucked too. Three, maybe four solid episodes that weren’t rehashed bullshit? And I know people laud Filoni for his storytelling chops, but god does he drag out the actual story. Two seasons + 2 episodes and I still don’t know what The Mandalorian is really about other than

Right but without Filoni/Favreau on board it’s a Kennedy project, which means more dross like the sequel series.