
>when I’m ready to move on to something else, wouldn’t it be great to monetize what I’ve built?

Seems a bit premature to call Diablo IV a fan favorite.  While what we’ve seen has looked alright, this is also modern day Blizzard; the company who thought pitching Diablo Immortal, and nothing else, to a room of diehard PC gamers, in America, where the mobile platform has essentially been completely destroyed by

New, way more complicated title: “Shareholders agree to quickly flip their assets after the next quarter of Activision driving itself into the ground cutting jobs and budgets and shoveling piles of money at them in the form of dividends; Wall Street not so sure it’ll want to pick over the corpse.”

It reads that way because Kotaku conveniently left out one of the most pertinent bits of information, namely that Sony is handling the trials internally via their PlayStation Store team. Third-parties aren’t having any additional work foisted onto them.

Sony is doing it on their end. This feature will be implemented at a system level. Once again, Kotaku is leaving out pertinent facts because it doesn’t fit their heel turn narrative for PlayStation.

As a long term Borderlands player, the biggest issue I have with this DLC is that this type of content was FREE in BL3.  The seasonal events had MORE content and more good gear than this did.  I think I did my first run in about 10 minutes.  It reuses environments and enemies and provides a boss fight that isn’t (yet)

Interesting that folks would make 20% less by default. Wouldn’t that mean folks would need to make up that deficit elsewhere? It’s kind of like a no duh for the company with very little sacrifice for them— why wouldn’t they want to pay 20% less, and still get most of the same work each week? Would make more sense for

Did she...did she not know? How did nobody tell her that’s what she was doing?

For the most part people who are good at their jobs serve a purpose and people who are bad their jobs actively do harm. A good critic can deconstruct influential images and ideas, ferret out the relevance of whatever is being critiqued, and build on the issues raised by the text to make larger points.   A bad critic

[Walks back statement as soon as she has a performance being considered for an award judged by critics]

It’s almost like movie critics are not exclusively writing their reviews for Davis.

Yes, this is a pissy, self-centered argument by Davis.

Critics absolutely serve a purpose, but they don’t serve a purpose *to actors.*

Interesting that TMZ fails to include Heard’s quote of, “Tell the world, Johnny, tell them...I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence...and see how many people believe or side with you.” (This is from an audio of Amber speaking.) And I’ve not read that quote on Jezebel either, which is certainly not

He is a supporter of homeopathy, which rather suggests he’s a few gems short of the Crown Jewels.

I’m struggling to find a time when Prince Charles has come off, in real life, as exceedingly dumb. And he does seem to have a sense of humor.

100 mil for harry and meghan to make shit? I wonder why netflix is having problems?

And understandably so, why would they want to watch —> And understandably so; why would they want to watch