
He got a better ending than most people who have their mods canceled, and for that I'm happy.

You had me at Shephard. :D

Working at a Game Museum is currently my dream job, sadly all of the museums that have opened up are far away from where I live. :(

Alright guys, I'm going to share with you my ultimate secret to playing chess...

Now playing

Not surprised, I wouldn't want to be associated with this either.

Conan O Brien ruined Barbara Bush's voice for me. I've spent the last 10 minutes trying to find a video clip of it, but sadly I've turned up empty handed.

I don't particularly despise any of the remaining teams, so I'm actually looking forward to the Super Bowl this year. :D

Am I allowed to comment on this story, or do I have to ask Blizzard's permission first to do so? Damn commenters are getting on my back for nothing.

This reminds me of the whole Battlefield 1942 Starcraft Mod fiasco from way back when. Basically as I've come to understand it, these guys were modding BF1942 to have Starcraft units, weapons, structures, and ships. However, they made it a point NOT to begin work on the project without asking for permission first.

Ugh, I saw this while waiting in a doctors office this morning. Seems like all of the news these days is just designed to give you an ulcer (which, oddly enough, was why I was there in the first place).

Roughly half of the old Segasoft catalog hasn't been covered yet as far as I know. I'm still waiting for a proper Three Dirty Dwarves page to be created.