Well kids, I hope you're happy,. The studio has become bankrupt. You've just killed Itchy and Scratchy. :(
I have no problem with Patman disliking SotC, though I may be biased because I'm in the exact same boat with Viewtiful Joe and Beyond Good & Evil.
Downloading as we speak, but I doubt I'll be able to get any substantial playtime in until after Graduation.
I just have to ask, how are their pancakes?
As long as it has Hunk, I'm sold!
Neil Patrick Harris? Oh man, this is going to be Legen- wait for it...
Good lord, why didn't I think to post this sooner?
Seemed relevant.
As much as I agree with everyone begging for a lawsuit, I'm pretty certain this is protected under the Parody part of Fair Use.
The same Mark Wahlberg that helped ruin Max Payne?