
As long as the road to making the Half-Life movie includes a full length feature film for TF2, I'll have no complaints.

Defender on the 2600... I think. It's the earliest memory I have of a game, but I honestly have no idea how old I was at the time. At the latest I'd guess 3, which would mean I've been enjoying games for the past 20 years.

Looking at Urkel reminds me that there are a lot of young kids out there who never had to endure his shenanigans. This makes me feel very old...

No mention of Red Baron? That game was the bee's knees.

Zynga getting sued over what sounds like a legitimate claim?

"I am disgusted and angry. It's hard to believe any citizen of our country would wish to buy such a thoroughly un-British game,"

I love how that guy says WHY!

Two off the top of my head, Custom Robo and Viewtiful Joe, both on the Gamecube. Both times I had heard good things from word of mouth, and both times I felt sorely disappointed.

Unless my math is way off, that should be over two solid years. Man, am I jealous. ;_;

Bring me a PC version on Steam and we got ourselves a deal.

Rather be stereotyped as a Mobster than stereotyped as a cast member of Jersey Shore.

All I learned from Tropico 3 was that El Pezidente was an awesome name for me to use.

The Machine Spirit is strong with this one. :D

Replace 6 months with 3 years and counting with absolutely no end in sight and you got my situation. :(

Now playing

I'm surprised no one has posted a Robo Roll video yet.

Lousy Jury Duty, turns out they didn't even need me. :(