
Defender on the Atari 2600

Oh man, when you mentioned a USB device, I was afraid the program might have been programmed to make the device go from "Pleasure" to "KIll" mode. Thankfully it only takes screen grabs of your desktop/private information.

For anyone who doesn't get the Nerfnow comic this week, it makes more sense when you realize it's a two part comic:

video got screwed up, :(

Darkstalkers? Yes please!

I still remember how I got my name, this was way back when Starcraft first came out. I was connecting to [] for the first time and couldn't think of what my account name should be. Whilst fiddling around on the keyboard, my brother started watching Seinfeld, which turned out to be the PEZ dispenser episode,

The most I've ever done was start humming one of those incredibly catchy and annoying songs from the oldies stations. Works in a game of chess every time.

We need more cakes on Kotaku, we can never have too many cakes on Kotaku.

Hope they don't switch the location on me again.

Dear Atkinson,

Finally got around to playing the PC version in November, and I found it to be one of the best games I've played in recent memory. If I had some extra spending money I'd have no problem buying the Wii version just to show my gratitude.

Hmm, should I, or shouldn't I post pictures of the TF2 card game I've been tinkering with? Normally I would, but the last comment I read just tore these cards a new A-hole.

I loved the first game, and I've been looking forward to this ever since they announced it. However, I think I'll pass for the time being, at least until they get those rough edges patched up.