
A little over two weeks for Quakecon. This'll be my first one, so I'm pretty excited.

I don't suppose any of you have played the fan-translated version of Tales of Phantasia? Just saying, Mint has that quiet elegance about her, but I bet Arche @#$% like a tiger.

Was Broodwar really at the end of 98? Geez, doesn't seem so long ago that I was waking up at 3AM to work on custom maps while listening to Queen. Now I feel old :(

Wikipedia say corn-based porridge. Personally, I prefer a nice sausage biscuit.

So let me get this straight, this weekend it will be $10? And only a week after I bought it for $20? If I hadn't enjoyed it, I'd be pretty angry right now, instead I'm just a bit annoyed.

For what it's worth, creepy old guy has good taste... I feel dirty now. :(

Holy Crap, I can't believe I won an entire battle by doing nothing but taunt. By the time their first troops reached me, I had already taunted their morale down to zero and automatically won. It even gave me the rank of King for it :D

Nothing can beat the Doom Comic, NOT EVER.

Speaking of Fallon, I've only seen one full sketch on that show (the one featuring Ozzy Osbourne). Only laughed once during it, and that was only because Ozzy forgot his lines.

Screw Swine Flu, I got a mild case of Brown Lung from mowing my lawn yesterday. I'm still coughing up dirt with my phlegm.

A few of these comments are leaving me wondering how many of you actually read the article. :/

Freedom Force, both games, for $6.74 on Steam. Buy it NOW!

I really don't like Yo Gabba Gabba, but I'd take it again before Boo-bah any day. Oh god, that thing gave me nightmares.

Sadly, the first thing that popped into my head was that I thought it was a pretty good piece of Graphic Design.