
We’re talking about Athens. This isn’t SPARRRRRRTTTTAAAAA.

well played.

Fun update: he’s now been wait listed at Stanford.

I just really really hope this isn’t true. That’s all i can say. I really hope he didn’t do this. fuck.

i’m so sick of these bullshit deadspin “highlights”.

Meh. I have a FWD bmw, also known as a mini. RWD is stupid.

The man who openly stated that good artists copy and great artists steal, was snooping through other people’s computers? Shocking revelation bro.... now you’re gonna tell me about Xerox Parc?


i got chills or thrill or a tingle or something watching this live. until...the keep started skipping or whatever at the end.

That second half was a real cliffhanger.

yup. “now” the human brain is broken. Pull your head out of your ass.

This just confirms Special Rumor. Messi to ManU. #brexitiest #brexit of all.

It looked like Kluwe did kick it. Messi has been hanging out with Steph Curry too much, now he’s going for three points in the finals and choking.

Look man these gear shifters that done move are weird. I was driving a 4 series to pick someone up at the airport. I think i’ve put the car in park. i dunno what i’m supposed to do i press the p button, i wiggle the thing. i think the car is parked. I get out my phone to text the person i’m picking, by the time i’m

Turns out the sharks were lawyers.

