
Meh, white people, whiting. This is only vaguely more impressively than the woman who “became” a masai warrior

Trump will come out after his speech and put a sash and tiara on one of them I’m certain.

What the fuck has that young woman down to you that you would wish that kind of evil onto her. That shit is the madden curse for television actors. Why don’t you just put crystal meth directly into her juice box and save the trouble of the intervening steps on the road to perdition.

We all know who is actually responsible here.

BOOOOOOOOOO Failure to use “Gets Heated” in reference to the disagreement

every time I see someone driving one it’s a 60 year old woman? It’s so ubiquitious as to be boring? It’s the Toyota Camry of sports cars? The handling is terrible because you’re always over steering driving around with that paper bag over your head?

no no no. Just stop returning their phone calls, texts, e-mails and coming to the door when they show up. That’s what I do.

As a Negro currently residing upon the American premises. I would like to say: No bullshit is better than WASPy bullshit.

To be fair to Dominoes pushing that thing out of your colon over the next week and/or month is going to be a hell of an ab workout.

right precisely. You can’t compare directly because those leagues have relegation. Also the US is obviously a much larger country. I’m still not sure how the US can manage a relegation system. Maybe some sort of double playoff? I dunno. Or you just make the playoffs really long like half the season, half the teams get



He’s fragile frankie merman.

I breath through my mouth all the time, who the hell can get enough air through their nose? What am I, a porpoise?

Why do I follow her or why did I fill the need to say so in a comment.

The answer to both is the same, I want to put my penis inside her.

But is it better than the 2017 Audi TT RS?...... also no spoiler? is it just down?