
I dunno. I saw it. It was the first super hero movie i’ve seen since Dark Knight Rises. It was better than Dark Knight Rises. I didn’t have any problem with the movie. superman is a deeply flawed character from a storytelling point of view, so I don’t blame snyder for trying to not make him ridiculous, is the same

This is why ISIS hates you. You should really do is just buy a new car every day depending on what you need to do and then throw it away, when you’re done.

The WWC final was the most watched soccer game ever in the US. That being said, I was shocked when I found out how much the WNT players make actually. While the MNT players do make more, but because they’ve historically generate more revenue. The WNT players make much more than the average MLS player. I’m fine with

Well the unemployment rate in spain isn’t really 25% they have a significant grey market economy. And of course on could argue the entire EU is a complex monetary and fiscal scheme designed to allow Germany to export it’s manufactured goods to people who can’t afford them at highly disadvantageous terms all while

anyone can do that. you get me on a field with messi and i could do that to him. it is not a measure of anyone’s skill level neither the defending nor the attacking player.

always. he is always good. if we had 11 michael bradleys we’d have a legitimate chance of winning a world cup. we’d still need some tactical strategery like costa rica, but yeah, he’s good, consistently, quietly, good, he’s the Becky Sauerbrunn of the MNT.

I dunno there’s fewer than there used to be, also you forgot esquire which is superior to that other magazine and also the former employer of one Hugh Hefner.

RIP Men’s Vogue
RIP that other magazine i only saw once, that was really awesome and had Matt Damon on the cover.

Who is going to tell me how to dress

I suppose it doesn’t hold true at this level, but I occasionally play keeper at the rec level and since I’m not actually a keeper, I prefer to come out of the goal, I find one of the most effective strategies is just to dive on the ball while someone is dribbling (if you don’t mind being kicked in the face), if

you must be high already, none of those are things you can invest in unless you mean by hoarding.

you lost all credibility when said Howard the duck didn’t deserve more box office than white house. That shit is unwatchable.

Well maybe first iphone was worth $700. But all I want to be able to do is check e-mail, calendar, maps and occasionally facebook because people post events there.

meh, i bought a phone for $20.00 on amazon, it totally works.

....except they don’t have really deep pockets. Man City has really deep pockets. PSG. ect. Teams who’s owner’s wealth isn’t dependent upon the success of their sports clubs (and whose owners actually care if they win or not).

did you even read my comment?

Can we focus on what is important for once here. Where do I get some meldonium?.... in America..... without being poisoned....


Gain an advantage.....? they have to play naked now?

Neither Yale nor Duke have undergraduate finance majors, nor do the graduate programs have majors.

Now if only one of those micro black holes, that we hear so much about these days, would coalesce in the center of that arena devour the court and everything within the first 20 rows and then evaporate.