
Yeah, I gave up on Swype, SwiftKey, etc. None of them ever booted fast enough (especially for a 4S).

Personally, I've tried about 6 keyboards and always go back to the stock one. The main reason is that I'm too lazy to reteach autocorrect to work properly and typing without it is just terrible. The weird thing to me is I don't know a single iPhone owner who actually uses one.

Never tracked

That's not the bridge of the nose they're talking about, but the philtrum area at the bottom of the nose. The bridge is the space between your eyes/eyebrows.

Badass pic! Those puddles were huge at that part of the track, Montoya lost his rear hauling the mail through there, so you know it was tricky!

Safer Barries around the entire oval races would be a plus. The biggest new advancement in my opinion has to come from the fences. We have to put the money into improving that and creating a safer environment. Its going to take a lot of cooperation and money though…

And if you aren't good at it there should be no way for you to have any fun at all. That'll show em!

How'd this get by QA? Pretty crazy.


Great piece, fantastically written. You should try to get the movie rights – I can see this being a Hollywood blockbuster a few years from now.

The workout is the warmup. Whatever one plans to do, one should perform the exact movement patterns of the workout at lower intensity, body-weight preferred, proper form with proper range of motion. This way gives the brain, nervous system the proper feedback informing what is to come.

I've been doing it right for years! Walk/elliptical for 10 min from slow to a medium pace. Then begin the high intensity stuff.

The main target audience of Deadspin is very liberal 20 somethings who work mediocre jobs and thus try to make themselves feel better by being morally superior. You will get very view people to agree with your views here.

But the temptation to check them manually remains! Admittedly even if you delete them, you could just re-download them, so there's always an aspect of self-control.

I don't think even one of those looks like a photograph. Not even close. They're all too soft and the textures are too flat (no parallax mapping or tessellation on things?). That said, most of them are still pretty nice shots, with the last one being my favorite.