
Investigators: "Do you know anything about Preifer and homosexuals?"

Yes, I have. Its an appliance. So what?

It does its job for people who need such a car, because not everyone needs a car that makes them orgasm because it has Italian design or German handling or the smell of rich leather and mahogany on the interior trim.

I don't care how you take this, but 'enthusiasts' like you are

A bigger mystery, how someone with that hair who's not a football player has survived this long in the south.

The cars women buy are more practical: the top sellers for women are Mini Cooper, Kia, Fiat, Mitsubishi and Hyundai

As you mentioned, marketing types use the biggest star to sell tickets. Its just that Italian marketing types don't have your filter of white guilt to process their idea through first. Well that, and the Italians hate the "moulinyan" more than even our own homegrown racists do.

This is ridiculous. He's saying if you were in a black neighborhood, Lasonia could be a girl's name, but in an italian restaurant you would be referring to the food and thus it would be Lasagna. The "black people are stupid" is something you've read into it yourself and is not the point of the joke. He removed the

I totally disagree...and I seem alone here?

Thank you! I was just wondering why we don't see more ads with fat women paired with incredibly creepy-looking dudes with bad tattoos.

Hey lookit! Another movie that these two don't like very much. That's like the 50th in a row.

Why would you take a picture of people you don't even know? Howsa 'bout simply witnessing a nice moment between total strangers and moving on with your day? IDK. Seems weird to me to do this; maybe these people don't want to be found.

Well, at least we'll never be that bad.

I'm still wondering where Paul Walker met his girlfriend when he was 33 and she was 17.

Rebel Wilson should also try to make a pact to try to be funny. Cause yikes, Super Fun Night.

An amazing display, to be sure. But it is a little depressing to note that in the last seconds of the clip you can see the beginnings of the Parkinsonian tremor that would come to plague him in later years.

I see Feminist complaining about "great advice on how not to get raped" the same way I see Conservatives who demand "abstinence only" birth control for sex ed classes. Both want to ignore the larger issue and blame others for their lack of knowledge. If you don't have options you get what other people force on you. If

Like the photoeditor of this post, you're right: I have no idea about this crop of young QBs.

Nick Foles played on Sunday Night Football against Dallas last season, as well a Monday Night game against the Panthers and a Thursday Night game against the Bengals.