
I'll wait a week until they patch this firmware. Don't want a bricked system.

Always funny to see grown men complain about something that's meant for teenage girls.

If you ever call a black man "athletic", you're a racist. Because Deadspin says so.

Nope, definitely goaltending. Shot would have hit the rim if the SMU dude hadn't touched it. Therefore, you don't know if UCLA could have grabbed the rebound and put up another shot attempt. The SMU defender altered the entire possession in his teams favor.

So, is there ANYTHING that Deadspin doesn't think is actually terrible and awful and the biggest fraud in sports? Anything?

A guy whose first book is ranked #232,241 on Amazon wants to rip someone else by citing low ratings? Oh, that's very cute.

It's not "reverse racism". It's just plain old racism.

You're not working out hard enough then. Run 6 miles a day, 3-4 days a week, for 4 months.

Yes, I am a man. Despite what lazy fat people say, it's not hard to lose weight by eating less, eating better, and exercising.

Cut out regular pop/soda and switched to diet back in 2010, and went from 252 to 200 in less than 5 months, but sure, diet soda is poison and will kill you in a month.

Or just drink zero calorie diet soda instead of coffee.

Well sometimes there is no accounting for taste.

Greek Americans aren't allowed to be inspired by black people?

Everything worked out just fine for Roger Meyers Sr. after he made his Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors cartoon back in the 1930's.

Cool, Deadspin is helping extort a pro athlete.

It will be CGI, and they will stylize the characters in a way that will make it completely unappealing to fans of the old show. Like basically every single TMNT reboot.

"after P.T., I'm reminded what Resident Evil should be capable of." Uh, what? After a 30 minute demo for a totally different game in a totally different genre, you're reminded of what a 3rd person action game should be capable of?

These people who still cling to the notion that modern Resident Evil should be a

Probably didn't count because it was definitely an offensive foul. You can't create space with your other arm by pushing off against the defender.

But sure, the NBA should just forgo all rules and become the And1 Mixtape Tour.

Probably not.

Looks like the GamerGate terrorists win this round.