
What the hell are you talking about, male celebs get shit all the time. Shia LeBouf, anyone? Justin Bieber gets constantly roasted. Kanye. Adam Levine. Etc. These are the kinds of articles that give Jezebel a bad name.

Token white kid!

Why do you think I am bitter, because I don't find one person funny? She is a one trick pony. The same way that Dat Phan (hopefully you've scrubbed him from your memory, but he was the first winner of Last Comic Standing) isn't funny because his entire act is "Asian people talk funny!", or the same reason that Carlos

I dislike her BECAUSE she is terrible. Her entire career is based upon fat jokes. If she wasn't fat, she would have no career. Melissa McCarthy is funny and talented. Rebel Wilson is neither.

Rebel Wilson is the most unfunny woman on television. If you think she's talented, then you have terrible taste. I would rather see Jim Parsons in a fat suit do her schtick.

Uh, Hollywood isn't asking either of those two women to change. There are already literally thousands of better looking, more talented women who are slimmer than them. Those two, however, have a monopoly on "funny fat girl" roles. So of course they aren't going to change, that's their meal ticket (pun definitely

I really, really love reading about trainwrecks like this girl, and all the loser dudes she ends up banging, then beating the shit out of.

Until you pin me, Festivus is not over!

You lost me at Kinect. Sorry, just not gonna do it.

She asked if they were football players. If you think there aren't women out there who love to get with guys because they are athletes, then you are kidding yourself.

Also, stop slut shaming this girl for wanting to have a good time with some football players (before it all went bad, obviously). She is allowed to have

Unless you run your own business, you have no control over the platform in which your job exists upon. What about all the people who worked at dot com's during the late 90's? They had no control over the fact that their business was about to collapse. Were those people not working "real jobs"?

A "real job" is whatever you do that earns enough money to pay the bills and give you some money on the side to buy the things you enjoy. If you can make $50,000 a year sticking your hand up a cow's ass, that's a real job. If you earn enough to live on by drawing crude pictures of others at the mall, that's a real

It's not white knighting in any way. The writer of this article is just trying to stir some shit up with this ridiculous non-story.

You know what I did in 4th grade, when I tried making my first ever tackle in an organized, padded football game? I said "Ouch, this hurts!" and I quit playing football soon after. Maybe Nate should have taken that route instead of continuing to kill himself for a paycheck?

Every single NFL rookie has suffered similar injuries to Nate's, they know what they are getting into.

I don't get how this story exists on here. Didn't Prince himself say the Internet is over?

Lindy West feels so bad for Katie, she put her picture, name, and location on Jezebel for all the other weirdos.

So terribly, terribly bad for Katie.

Totally bro, dude needs to stop going after that HB5 and find himself an HB9. Probably didn't use enough kino with this girl and she went and found an alpha instead!

"you're just whining that someone isn't talking about what you want to talk about". If my status as a motherfucker and contrarian dick is so important to you, go write a Groupthink post about it then.