
Nobody knows if he is coming back or not. I doubt it. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a cameo.

She doesn't put both in her mouth at once. She goes back and forth.

I hope not. Michael Keaton has aged so poorly, he wouldn't even need makeup for the role.

Big Fish.

Sam Rockwell is the only man who can play the new Bettlejuice.

Small but vocal minority. The people with functioning PS4's are too busy playing them to post comments on Kotaku saying "Yep, mine works!"

Damn, you beat me to it.

Jesus, a bunch of 1 percenters here with all this food and expensive $4 juices and milks in their fridge.

My fridge right now contains about 10 cans of pop, and a bottle of ketchup. That is it. I should probably go grocery shopping one of these years.

Just a reminder that Y's: Memories of Celceta comes out for Vita in a week. I will be buying a Vita in 3 weeks, just for that game (oh, and all the free ones on PS+).

Shouldn't PC Gamer, or any site that reviews PC games, do so on hardware that is comparable with what most of their audience will be using? This build is just ridiculous, and is in no way a realistic platform to review games on.

I once ate 18 Taco Bell tacos in one night, as part of a contest with a friend of mine. I did this while I was on my Health Kick in 2010, and ended up losing 2.1 pounds that week.

Versace Versace Versace Versace Versace Versace

Luanne and Buckley are forever jumping on the big trampoline in the sky.

Wrong. EA's MVP Baseball series is still revered by gamers. NFL 2K5 is not the sacred cow you think it is.

It's not controversial. But she's got all that money, might as well spend it on a new video (but not a new shirt, like the top comment here has noticed).

I'll say it. I'm bored with this guy.

"Elaine! You look scrumptious!"

...then just watch the national broadcast on TBS.

I was on a c0-ed team this summer made up entirely of strangers from Craigslist. That's how I found out about the team.

We played a 10 game regular season, and lost the first 9. Since I was the only person on the team who could field a ground ball, I played SS out of necessity, despite behind 6'5 and left handed.