
Wow, imagine if he had gone so far as to stick his dick in this crazy? It may have ended up loped off and thrown into a corn field in Iowa.

Drew must be one of those people who complains when Bill Gates only donates one billion dollars to a cause. "But come on man, you could be donating so much more!"

Yeah, it pretty much is. If you have friends or family members who want you to have a baby, and you're not ready for it, or just flat out don't want one, then tell them exactly that. "Fuck. Off." You don't even need to be nice about it.

It's funny, people like yourself, who claim that you want progress and societal

So the only thing that comes from having large breasts is having "strangers harassing you"? I guess the thousands of women every year who get breast enlargement surgery are just gluttons for punishment?

My point was, she should have given up long ago.

Oh, don't worry, I hate that little kid too ;)

If it makes you feel any better, in the time it took you to type that, hundreds of babies around the world actually died.

Ya gotta see the baby!

Forgive me for expecting some originality from time to time.

I don't think anyone is pretending she's some bastion of feminism...

Sounds like your life is dominated by the expectations you think society puts on you. How about you not give a shit about the things like people wanting you to have a baby or do laundry, and tell them to kindly fuck off? When/if you decide to have children is your own business, nobody else's.

...and you don't have any experience being a man with no hair. You can choose to use this opportunity to learn a new perspective about men's experiences, or you can continue to put your finger in your ears and sing "LA LA LA LA LA!"

Miley Cyrus is geared towards a male audience? Since when?

I guess I'm just not sure what Miley Cyrus has to do with feminism anyways.

How about you contribute to the discussion instead of posting this? And you call ME the troll?

The people you mentioned are all world famous celebrities. They get a little better treatment than your average man. I've known women who flat out refuse to even consider dating a guy if he's bald or showing the slightest signs of hair loss. The male hair restoration industry is big business. It's definitely

She doesn't have to break barriers because in her world, barriers don't exist.

Destiny's release date is also the day I'll be buying a Playstation 4. I am assuming it will be after inFamous, so I'll pick up those 2 games and have myself a nice little "launch window" time.

You're right. My hairless head is actually a bigger deal since everyone sees it every fucking day, and it's the first thing they notice about me. How many people see your hairy armpits on a daily basis? You're a joke.

(I am attempting to post this for the third time, since Kinja is being Kinja right now. So if it's tripled poster, sorry.)

You don't know why she does what she does. Maybe she really, really loves all the attention and millions of dollars that her actions result in?

As for the armpit thing, if people want to freak out