
I have never understood the appeal of Vegas. From where I'm sitting, you saved a bunch of money and protected your liver.

Seriously, she was like, um ok nm then, and he's like BUT WAIT NO HIPPOS BUT DON'T YOU WANT TO COME TO THE #1 CLUB IN AMERICA? BUT NO HIPPOS. BUT WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOINNNNNGGGG??? Lol what a moron.

Before anyone else spits vitriol...

Thank you for picking that image to accompany this article, ~Lady~ Aran.

Maybe don't try to kill people that resist arrest, especially when they're mentally ill and/or intoxicated? Poor woman had no idea what was going on, and punching her in the head 15 times was completely unnecessary.

Get out of here with your attempted murder apologism.

Holy fuck.
How are there going to be assholes defending this? Because there will be...

Yeah, it's probably not best practice to adhere to oversimplified views. You should consider learning more about a complex topic's nuances before posting next time.

Troll, troll, go away (and if not a troll, then you're still a sad excuse for a human and I hope — don't normally do this — that someday you cross paths with the wrong officer or annoy the wrong person, et voila, if you do not have quite a lot of dough, you find yourself in the same predicament).

You are seriously saying that someone who smokes a few joints deserves to die from untreated illnesses. Oooookay.

Sure. You can throw that statistic that says more often than not it is male dominated, but that doesn't diminish the fact that women fit these roles, as well.

It's telling that your entire comment history comprises comments about (against) women and/or about how oppressed men are. Do you have any other hobbies? Or is being an MRA your full time profession?

Don't all y'all Americans own guns. Just shoot the things out of the sky when you see them. Freedom.

I'm just going to leave this here:

Tim? Is that you?

You're entitled to your opinions but you're being impossibly one-sided with your vilifications of Kathleen Wynne and Justin Trudeau, so much that — save for the foul language — this screed could have been written by Tim Hudak, John Baird, Jason Kenney, James Moore, a Harper PMO flunkie or some CPC sycophant. Failing

I shall respond with equal maturity.

Yeah. I'm not a fan of Wynne but she's better than Hudak and Horwath dropped the ball big time in this election. I hope Wynne doesn't end up as conservative as most Liberals but I'm not optimistic.

Yep, I totally believe that you had no idea she was black. It's not like uppity is a word basically reserved exclusively for racists! (Also calling a woman uppity is pretty fucked up too. How dare she be educated, right?)

Way to call a black woman uppity! I bet you're not racist at all!

To my U.S. friends: don't be surprised. Peter Mackay and many of the other members of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's cabal of assholes are assholes. Even Canadian conservatives can be complete and utter douchecanoes.