
While black yes. It's illegal to be black actually.

I'm personally more disgusted by those people that film their births, but to each her own.

I have lurked on this site for years, but I never commented....until today, because this story hit home. First of all, I commend this woman greatly for doing this video and erasing the social stigma of abortions. When I was 19, I was dating a guy and I became pregnant. We used protection, but the condom broke. I was

As a pregnant lady who has had 4 previous failed pregnancies, I kind of want to smack you in the face right now. Her body, her choice - period. I personally found the video tasteless, but she made the right decision for her, and the fact that you had (oh sorry, your wife had) a baby does not make you the arbiter of

Excuse me? You're dumb. You don't understand the word autonomy. You don't understand the stress a pregnancy can put on a body. You don't understand that being pregnant is not the best option for everyone. You don't understand the term selfish if you expect someone to carry a child for someone who can't. So sit

Maybe if you could actually have a baby, rather than just hold your wife's hand while she does the hard work, you'd get it. The world does not need more people in it, and IMO, reproducing in a world that is overpopulated and overpolluted is the most selfish thing you can do.

Oh totally she did. I get pregnant as often as possible just to have an aspiration curretage abortion/pedi/mani.

I just went from liking Seth Rogen to loving Seth Rogen. Well done.

My goodness the clueless white feminists are strong today.

You have the right not to like Beyonce, and you are free to share that with world. What I'm against is making asinine comments about Beyonce, and hiding behind the claim of legit criticism.

I did not say every criticism of Beyonce on this site falls into that rank, but you gotta acknowledge that most of the criticism that end up turning into scream fest usually involves extremely under-informed, unnecessary, racialized, and totally stupid comments. For instance I once saw a comment by a regular reader

From my point of view, some of the "criticism" of Beyonce by some of the readers of this site always come off as unnecessary, unaware, and in some instances extremely racialize. These factors usually forces people to challenge their opinions, so indirectly marking them into the Beygency.

Now playing

Making Indian chai tea is quite easy. The only caveat is you need a really, really strong tea. (Generally, if you're using a tea that's exported to US/UK markets, double the quantity of tea used. If you can find a brand locally sold in India/Sri Lanka get that.)

Tracie: What's chai? It's like a leaf or something? [Googles "chai"] Oh chai just means "tea" in many cultures.

The tasteless thing about this isn't that she hit the kids and now they're dead. That's tragic accident that is bound to happen when you have large metal cages riding alongside tiny aluminum frames, and whether people want to admit to it, it's a tragedy for everyone involved, assuming everyone is human. No, what's

"Horror stories" are great learning opportunities. For instance: You should know better than to opine that credible journalism isn't necessary to housewives (just manly men who like cars. because housewives don't like cars, duh.) in public because reasonable people within hearing/reading distance will, in fact, assume

Actually studies show that it's not only the act of looking at the phone that is the only problem. That's why the laws aren't just for holding a cell in your hand but also for distracted driving. I agree with other posters about ordering a pizza or anything where you have to listen to multisteps instructions. Wait

I talk to people like her ALL. THE. TIME. at my job. They're barreling down the road at 65 mph and calling me for pizza "to save time!" AARRRRGH.

Stars, anybody?

A million stars for you! "Cross-legged" is another great option, folks!