It appears that JF424 is trying to justify their racism. Kind of like the people mentioned in the article. I don't think they realize their own racism. Probably because it seems they don't actually know what racism is.
It appears that JF424 is trying to justify their racism. Kind of like the people mentioned in the article. I don't think they realize their own racism. Probably because it seems they don't actually know what racism is.
That person's intentions don't matter. Their damaging words and the message associated have already caused the damage. It's like accidentally dropping something heavy on someone's foot. It doesn't matter that you didn't mean to drop. You did. And you caused someone pain. Own up to it.
I agree. Anyone who would hire him, today or 5 years ago, is just as shitty as him.
"even Texas Governor Rick-Freaking-Perry and Ted "The moon might be as intimidating as Obamacare" Cruz denounced Nugent's bullshit as way over the line."
What did they expect? Ted Nugent is the natural consequence of the type of racist bullshit they've been allowing, supporting, and perpetuating so far.
Are you serious? You are seriously telling an Indian person that they don't know their own language? They call it "chai tea" because that's what the coffee shop calls it. So they HAVE to call it that when they order. That doesn't mean that chai tea doesn't mean tea tea. WTF?
Oprah and Starbucks can go suck it. No one, and I mean no one, can make masala chai like a desi aunti. Bas. And she won't charge anything for it, either. You just have to have the right connections.
Oh, but the thousands, if not millions, of lives the American government were destroying...that's not dangerous at all. After all, the American government was just destroying the lives of millions of brown people. Their lives being in constant danger already was not important. Let's only worry about the lives of…
You're not actually refuting anything. You're actually an excellent example of why teaching religions in school would be a great thing. And you continue to be a dick to everyone. So...I guess your suggestion for a "don't be a dick" class was a joke? do know that you can BE (act) American and still be an observant Sikh, right?
Oh for eff's sake would you stop saying "Please try again" to everyone who's call out your dickishness. You're sounding like a broken record.
Who is on the quest to include some children while excluding others?? Who said anything about that? And don't give me anything about feeling excluded. I'm a brown skinned,…
So're advocating for a "don't act like a dick to anybody who is different from you" class by being a dick?
Have I travelled back in time? You don't understand what 'white' means?
Anyhow, in all seriousness, your comment is obvious racist, white supremacist trolling so you know that it's not worth my time to provide you any explanations, right?
Sorry about that. Someone else did point that out to me. Glad that worked out for you :)
In that case, she's lucky! I'm glad that worked out for her!
You must be white. As a WOC I can't imagine doing that and it being ok.
How dare we deny white people's God given right to speak about everything and to have their opinion given the highest importance in EVERY SITUATION EVER?!
There's no point in reasoning with the white feminists of Jezebel. They don't do solidarity with WOC and think we're just whining about racism. They don't get how white supremacy works and have no clue at all about intersectionality.
I think it's probably more cultural. I'm of South Asian descent (grew up in Canada) and I didn't know that girls were "not supposed to be good at math" until my white friends told me so late in high school (not that they believed it). In my house we were expected to be good at everything, especially math and science,…
So I've never understood this stupid "nothing is free" argument. Do these idiots forget how America was founded - on theft (aka "free) of land (after the genocide of indigenous populations) and free forced labour for over TWO HUNDRED years! America's own foundation was based on free obscene exploitation of others.…
Yes! Jesus probably looked more like Naveen Andrews than any of the hippie/surfer dudes listed above.