
As a Warriors fan who isn’t a tech-bro I kindly say fuck you. At least LeBron stands up for something instead of a Food Truck line for overpriced and mediocre cuisine. Gentrify Alabama please.

Cops must be David Gilmour fans. Over 30 years later, tensions still run high.

get the fuck out of here. $250K goes pretty fucking far in NYC.
Source: I lived there for nearly two decades never making close to that even if you threw my wife’s income in there.

What you did is similar to this exchange:

“Although the koala was uninjured, Brister said the animal was a lactating mother, which meant her joey, or infant, was missing.”

Ha ha, the logical error in your comment proves its point!

Just waiting on the paint to come in (It hasn’t been ordered).

I’m assuming an IROC with one mismatched fender?

Yeah, like he’s cool.

Apple computers and iPhones are without a doubt cheaper in the long run than lower priced PCs or crappy iPhone clones that don’t last as long. Take a look at all the successful people around you and see what brand computer or device they use... Statistically, they will be on an Apple product. Guess your theory is

Or when you get the right answer, and they say “you hesitated”.

“It’s a trap!” - Admiral Ackbar

BJ Watt sucks.

Nice. You changed it without acknowledging my comment. Great journalism there, Mr. Westbrook. In the future I’ll make sure I include a screenshot.


What is he even on about?

I can’t say I’ve found any Lambo since the Murcielago particularly memorable. I honestly couldn’t tell you the difference between an Aventador and a Huracan.

“I could recite all my favorite supercar stats to my friends.”

So...what Cabinet position are you getting?