
Can’t stand Trump, but there is something called context.  Are you not aware that there was a pandemic and a lot of jobs were eliminated in 2020 and they made a roaring comeback in the past 2 years out of necessity to fill many roles.

Unless you are immuno-compromised, are you that scared of going to the theatre?  

Marvel movies aren’t much of an experience.

Toddler logic from 96 is more sensible then most of the nonsense spewed out by young people in the 20 teen’s-20's.

Its a Carr blog, so its a shitshow.

FYI, blogging is commenting.

Amber Heard shits out more talent on bed’s then what Carr has in her blogging “skill”.

You are right, Lightyear did amazing!

Most New Jersey residents:  What does returning a cart mean?

Look everyone, found the ignorant asshole!

It’s Japan. If you lose something, someone will find it and turn it in to the police. If it was in the states, some asshole would try to exploit or use the data for nefarious purposes.

Try going to a website where dolts aren’t hired to blog.

These dopey bloggers have no clue what proofreading is.

So basically its Girls crossed with Secretary but she threw in a few casting changes for the sake of diversity.

Please don’t insult journalism by insinuating what these hacks churn out are articles. They are blog posts by bloggers. G/O sites gave up on journalism a long time ago and just care about clicks.

Worrying? The AV Club turned to shit a long time ago.

Based on your postings in the comments, you are one of 3 things (maybe all 3).

“tearfully recount”? LOL.

Didn’t pills cause too many people to do that already?

Probably because you put down a respectable down payment. Most people are not and getting absurd car payments so they can look cool in a car they really can’t afford.