
Listening to Tesla vs. anti Tesla people on here is the equivalent of Libs vs. MAGA hat wearing fucko’s.

Gender reveal parties have become popular so people that desperately need attention can get some fun pics for the gram.

Ok Shorty.

If we aren’t group fapping over the new Bronco, we’re shitting on Tesla every chance we get.

So those Tesla’s I see everywhere are just figment’s of my imagination?  Damn, I must have done a little too much acid in college.

Hearing about wrenching a POS minivan Mom’s drove in the 80's is entertaining?

Europeans like to actually relax and enjoy their holidays. Most American’s like to cram so much into their Holiday that they get to miss out on the best of the culture of the countries they are visiting. Evidently some like to do it while dealing with a shitbox American Car (to drive around Europe in????).

Well, he may not really be blind so I wouldn’t doubt Mr Wonder’s abilities with a torch.  

Love the Avatar!  Deadspin has turned into a hot take cesspool that needs to be bombed.

That logic then spreads Covid to potentially your Grandma, your neighbors and so on down the line.

Its a great YT show, but how many times do you need to post this fucking same thing?  Do you work for the show or something?

Bare Naked Ladies are Canadian, and really nice guys (also, Bernie supporters even though they can’t vote for him).


I am so glad as a Doctor you don’t live near one of those “liberal enclaves” as your post paints you as a giant fucking moron.

Well dumbfuck, people in NYC have been very good about taking precautions due to COVID and that is why things have been under control for the most part after the initial spike.

Zero reason? How are the insurance and pharmaceutical companies supposed to pay the exorbitant salaries of their top level executives if they don’t fuck over hard working Americans?

Maybe he didn’t want his 15 year old daughter dating anyone?  I know plenty of people that don’t want their early teen daughters in any kind of relationship with any boy.  

Guess I need to put on some waders, cause its getting really fucking deep in here.

So now, all of a sudden Mr. Wiley is an idiot and not to be listened to?  You are aware that Fox Sports and Fox news are only related that they are under the same company umbrella.  Fox Sports isn’t some far right sports network.

Holy sheep shit you are an ignorant fucking moron.