
Canned RIP, thoughts and prayers should be buried instead of the deceased. Celebrate the life and these little things make you appreciate the person that passed.

He’s William “The Refrigerator” Perry’s half brother.

She’ll always be the Noxema girl to me.

What an uppity Bitch.

Just a wee bit different on Sunday vs Indy in March.

Spend more time out of the sticks, people do that in a lot of places. Also, thanks for bringing Politics into a conversation where there is zero relevance or connection to it!!

I judge people on their Uber score. If you’re not at least a 4.5, you are nothing to me.

You get to see Niagra, NY. That town makes Cleveland look nice.

You start off your article by saying you can’t recycle plastic bag.  I guess you have never set foot inside of a grocery store.  Newsflash, almost every grocery store has a bin where you can bring clean plastic bags for recycling.

Point on the doll where the Blue Devil touched you.

Was the crew from the US Navy?

Seems to be a new thing they are rolling out at Wal Marts. I started to see them in PA country-ish Wal Marts and ones in NJ. Hopefully they let some/most of the greeters transition to this role.

Oh, you hang out at Orchids of Asia with Bob Kraft too?  I’d burn those receipts.

Ignorant and inacurate reply.  I assume you are insinuating white people can just pass on through, becasue, you know white people. 

Dick Ebersol’s son is also a scummy POS?  Wow, shocking.

Cant tell if sarcasm or blissfully unaware.

I think 40+ OTB Asian women in FL are a better roll of the dice than anything he’s going to find in KC.  Well, unless they are part of a major sting operation with cameras rolling everywhere.

Guess you haven’t been around any dogs.  Sad.

Guess you hear that one daily?

Very disappointing to hear that Mr. Kraft would be involved in this kind of behavior with young women.