Well, I for one am tired of being treated as a piece of meat by these females. I’m more than my washboard abs, glistening pecs and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of while my hair gently blows in the wind.
I know the feeling (sort of). I had an F1 circuit to myself that was literally frozen. Wasn’t even phased by the Wall of Champions.
Damn good agent.
My Dad owns a shotgun, uncles owned a few guns for hunting, friends dad’s the same. Not a single NRA member, all Ducks Unlimited.
Well, howdy pardner. Welcome to these here parts! You best be careful, a story about trains or those whirly things in the sky may git ‘cha!
Enjoy your time in Podunk, USA!
Sorry, but you are wrong and clearly have no clue about the history of young people raising their voice and protesting for change.
I don’t own guns, but enjoy shooting at the range and agree that it’s important to know how to handle firearms.
You must be an awful shot if you need an AR or anything semi-auto.
You fucking nut jobs that need to be prepared to defend against the government have more than a few screws loose. You even stated that you are irrational, and you own guns! NUT JOB!
It’s a new piece of safety that will evolve with testing and innovation. The aesthetics will definitely change for the better. Can’t get much worse, although all that red does help a little.
Couldn’t possibly have been the FIA looking ahead and doing something to avoid a crash that could have been a lot worse like at Spa in 2012 when Alonso lost the Championship, and almost his head.
Fuck him with a rusty rail spike for killing a beautiful creature like that for “sport”.
I marvel at the many shades of purple to blue Ravens jerseys I see at home games.
Tricks gonna trick.
Is it “painful” being such an “ignorant” twat”?”
These shit stains for people have been ignorant racist’s long before Trump was in office. Social media and the internet has given dumb fucks of the world a platform they don’t deserve to have.
The depths of your stupidity are alarmingly fascinating.